
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Post #3004 M: Election Eve

Quote of the Day

To live at this time is an inestimable privilege, and a sacred obligation devolves upon you to make right use of your opportunities. 
Grenville Kleiser  

Earlier One-Off Post: The Presidential Debates 2016: Round 1

Due to time constraints, the remaining 2-3 debates (if I include the VP) are deferred until after the election. Obviously it's a moot point to publish after the election, but I think my take on the issues is salient as well as my assessments of "who won". I think this write-up is one of the most compelling over the history of the blog, and even if you disagree with my perspective, you will find my take interesting.

Political Potpourri

Going into tomorrow's election. Election Betting Odds shows Clinton with an over 100 electoral vote advantage and an over 80% (nearly 5-1) shot of defeating Trump tomorrow. On RCP, only 2 polls (IBD and LA Times) shows Trump with a (narrow) lead; a couple put Clinton at the "magic" 50%; a ballpoint estimate is Clinton with a 3.5% advantage. Drudge and others are trying to hype a Trump surge, e.g., improved early voting turnout in FL via 2012. It's possible for Trump to pull out Florida and North Carolina, and it is possible people are reluctant to admit they intend to vote for Trump. But it seemed whatever surge Trump had seemed to stall out mid-week last week. Only a few polls show Clinton with the 50% I would consider a lock on election; it's highly improbable that an unpopular challenger this far down will pull off a last-minute surge.

More recently I have published twice on election day/night, usually after I voted and a late-night review. Because of a long, late workday and living about 180 miles east of the West Coast, I'll probably know who won before I get home from work.

The Right to Self-Defense

Boudreaux on Win-Win Immigration

Boudreaux on Lose-Lose Minimum Wage Laws

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Jerry Holbert via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Kenny Loggins, "Danger Zone"