
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Miscellany: 10/29/15

Quote of the Day
If a man wishes to be sure of the road he treads on, he must close his eyes and walk in the dark.
St. John of the Cross

Chart of the Day
via Cato Institute

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

Rand Paul Is Going To Filibuster the Corrupt Obama Budget Deal: Thumbs UP!

Is Intervention Moral Policy?

The First Make-A-Wish

Facebook Corner

(Independent Institute). There's been a lot of talk lately about your bacon and red meat causing cancer. Check out an ‪#‎IndependentClassic‬ and let us know what you think!
The big point is that bacon and eggs, eaten in moderation and prepared properly, are very nutritious but have during the last few decades been demonized in the press. The government and the medical establishment all but pushed the disastrous lowfat diet, and there's a clear correlation between the War on Fat/Cholesterol and skyrocketing obesity. We saw people turn away from healthy butter and whole milk to things like hard margarine loaded with trans fats. How many times have we heard the government hype health risks (remember cyclamates and the cancer scare?), only to come back years later with an Emily Litella "Never mind!" We need less nudging from paternalist Big Government.

(Libertarian Catholic). The Emperor Theodosius (about 346 - 395) - in armour and a laurel wreath - is prevented from entering Milan Cathedral by Saint Ambrose (about 340 - 398), bishop of the city. The saint had banned Theodosius from the cathedral after the massacre of a subject population in Thessalonica. Van Dyck has identified one of Theodosius's companions as Ruffinus, whose shameless arrogance Saint Ambrose compared to a dog (which is at his feet).

As libertarians, we think that the Church made a historical mistake by not remaining independent of the State. This allows tyrants to co-opt the Church. Christ made it clear His mandate was not for the earthly realm but the Kingdom of God.

(Reason). John Kasich's ungrammatical, barely coherent remarks nicely illustrated the brain-dead dogmatism of pot prohibitionists.
The greatest scourge of the age is the outrageous number of folks in American prisons for doing nothing more than using a weed called marijuana.
This is bullshit. I think Reason took out Hillary Clinton for saying the same thing right after the Dem debate:
"About 300,000 people are serving time for drug offenses in state and federal prisons, which represents one-fifth of the total prison population. But only 15 percent of those drug war prisoners (around 45,000 people) are behind bars because of marijuana offenses, and those offenses typically involve cultivation or distribution. Hence it is clearly not true that prison sentences for "nonviolent, low-level offenses" (which include many property crimes as well as drug offenses) "are primarily due to marijuana," let alone possession of marijuana for personal use."
There are sound policy reasons to decriminalize drugs--but you don't win the day by promoting urban myths. It hurts your credibility.

The economically illiterate crackpot fascist Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump doesn't have a clue how to grow the economy. It's not by his favored protectionist bullshit and economically lose-lose bellicose threats of trade wars starting with China and Mexico. It's not by some megalomaniac delusion that somehow the name Trump means squat to anti-American regimes. Trump is fixated on trying to save failing business models; the economy will thrive when political whores get the hell out of the way with infeasible, counterproductive regulations and punitive taxes. As if Trump knows anything about fixing an economy; all he's shown is the ability to run 4 businesses into the ground and cheat investors in the process.

I thought it was just delusional Dems who believed in unicorns. No, Huckabee, the GOP will not win the White House by trying to convince voters they are more efficient administrators of insolvent, failed Democratic programs; what we can do is get government out of the healthcare business or at least devolve it to the states. One place to start is the FDA bottleneck on new med approvals.
John, who do YOU like tonight??
Stossel endorsed Rand Paul months ago.

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Eric Allie via IPI
Courtesy of the original artist via IPI
Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhill
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Aretha Franklin, "Ain't No Way"