
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Miscellany: 10/15/15

Quote of the Day
The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' 
One brush stroke stands for danger; 
the other for opportunity. 
In a crisis, be aware of the danger
but recognize the opportunity.
John F. Kennedy

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

My Latest Favorite New Song (To Me)

I was reading a Catholic post on Maher's comments on Pope Francis' visit when I read a description that he had won a Dove Award for this performance (like a Christian music Grammy). I was so blown away, I bought a licensed track copy ($1.29 via iTunes or Amazon Digital Music).

My Greatest Hits: Oct. 2015
Political Liberty

The Sharing Economy vs. Local Protectionism

Choose Life: The Mystery of Baby Talk

If you play it backwards, she says that Paul is dead.... :-)

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Nate Beeler via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Meat Loaf, "Paradise By the Dashboard Light". A classic Steinman track. Given my struggle with weight over the years and my singing experiences as part of my high school choir, Meat Loaf (Marvin/Michael Lee Aday) has been an inspiration. His vocals, however, are on a whole other level; some of the notes he hits in this and other songs are unreal, much more difficult than you can imagine unless you're a performer. (There are other performers with great pipes, like Steve Perry, Steve Tyler, Art Garfunkel,  and whatever Richard Harris does at the end of "MacArthur Park".) I've never done vocal training, but I'm not sure I could ever hit some of those notes; I can break into a thin falsetto. By the way, the video of Meat Loaf and Ellen Foley is just incredible--not just the vocals, but the choreography, the facial expressions, etc. I'm not crazy about the underlying theme of premarital sex, but you have to give props to a guy who lives up to his commitments.

Judge Napolitano on Hillary Clinton's Email Problem

Hillary & Her Emails – All You Need to Know - NEW LINK "Judge Napolitano's Chambers"
Posted by Judge Andrew Napolitano on Thursday, October 15, 2015