
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Miscellany: 10/13/15

Quote of the Day
Children are our most valuable natural resource.
Herbert Hoover

Chart of the Day: What is Causing the Record Low Labor Force Participation Rate (Hint: Not the Baby Boomers)
Courtesy of The Crux
Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

I'm a former Navy officer.
Backwards calendar for lefthanders 2016 Sunday first
Isn't this freaking GREAT? For us southpaws, finally a calendar that's easy to read!
via AnythingLeftHanded

Rant of the Day: Diana Rickert, IPI via Chicago Tribune
Here's what else isn't Catholic: Forcing single moms to pay more for their groceries and gas to fund a bloated state government. Asking struggling families to pay higher taxes to pay for exorbitant government pensions. The time when Attorney General Lisa Madigan and the Illinois Democrat machine forced Catholic institutions in Illinois to stop providing foster care and adoption services. Or in 2010, when Speaker Madigan's caucus blocked a school voucher bill that would allow kids at the worst public schools in the city the chance of a better education elsewhere — such as at one of the Archdiocese of Chicago's excellent Catholic schools.
Reason Spoofs the Democratic Presidential Debate

Choose Life: A 66-Year-Old Father Dies Saving His 20-Year-Old Down Syndrome Son

Interesting Employee Policies--Best of All, No HR!

Choose Life: Former Pro-Abort/Choice Voices Explain Their Conversion 

The cited source is from a secular (not religious) pro-life group who sampled former pro-choice readers to their Internet portals and asked what changed their minds. There are many interesting stories, and I recommend the original post; here is one such story:
Michelle R. – When abortion is discussed in the textbooks, it's illustrated as a debate where angry people go hold up signs and neither side is right or wrong. Kind of feels like a waste of time and something that doesn't affect us at all.
I was brought up by pro-choice parents. I feared overpopulation and blamed poverty, deforestation, extinction, and war on unplanned children. My dad told me that abortion was a responsible act. "If I ever got pregnant," I told myself, "those religious nuts would not help me stay in school,"
Afterward. I fell in love with a pro-lifer, and while I was pregnant with his child many people strongly encouraged me to abort, including my parents. This is when I became personally pro-life, politically pro-choice.
A year after that Myspace died and I made a Facebook account. I was browsing pages and came across NARAL Pro-Choice America and Let's find 1,000,000 people against Abortion. At the time NARAL had forums and when I commented on there they made a mockery of my grammar and parenting status. The posts by the page were nothing but hate towards the other side, and there was way more glamorization of abortion than what I was comfortable with.
On the pro-life page, however, they posted and argued from a scientific point of view, they shared stories of women who conquered mountains, and they encouraged pro-lifers to donate their time, money, and supplies to parents in need and post-abortive women. When I talked to the admin and other people that follow the page, even though they knew I wasn't full on pro-life they were very respectful and actually believed in me (graduating high school with a child).
I was a new parent and I wanted to make the world a better place for her. Guess what side is actually getting stuff done?
I do have a different story. One of my sisters-in-law was dead set against having children based on horror stories of what pregnancy does to a woman's body, the pain, etc. At one family event, I was playing with our baby nephew Alan, who was like the male version of my very cute third sister. I grabbed a balloon and playfully bopped him on the head with it, and he started laughing hysterically. I repeated it a couple of times to the same result. We started attracting a crowd of others taking turns with the balloon--including my sister-in-law. She later whispered to my brother that she had to have one of those cute boy babies of her own, so I give Alan full credit. (They later had their own daughter and son.) Alan got married in Texas last weekend to a lovely young woman; I couldn't make it, but my brothers and their spouses made it.

Facebook Corner

(Reason). "I disagree with him on almost everything...Bernie Sanders in the White House gives us a chance to say, 'Is this the direction we want to go?' There's supposed to be a certain kind of experimentation with this." Do you think Penn Jillette is on to anything here?
People like Jillette make me sick. I don't want some delusional asshole using the monopoly power of government to impose tyranny over people making their own choices in life. I'm tired of the political spin that makes a foul-mouthed bully like Trump some symbol in the war on political correctness. Jillette wants to diss Rand Paul--whose the only guy out there battling for the Fourth Amendment, against a unilateral war-making President, and has actually submitted massive spending cut reforms? Does he think Trump, who didn't even pick him in Celebrity Apprentice, who wants to nationalize healthcare, evict 11 million aliens, who wants Snowden to die, who defends eminent domain abuse, is the better alternative? You may bitch about Rand Paul's orthodoxy from a libertarian perspective, but he's one of the only candidates out there without a Sugar Daddy funding him--and without promising people more free things out of other people's pockets.

(FEE). Angus Deaton of Princeton University has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. He has made major contributions in understanding and measuring world poverty.
"Poor people need government to live better lives.". …..You can have direct wealth transfers to the poor and still have a government. They are not mutually exclusive.
Don't be a retard. Paying people not to work is an economically counterproductive policy. It might be a cheaper way of redistributing legal plunder, but it's plunder nonetheless.

Oh my God. She's plagiarizing George W. Bush: "I had to abandon free market principles in order to save the free market system.." So now we get the third term of Clinton, Bush, and Obama....

Sanders, of course, is wrong, but John gives the wrong reason. Actually, one of the US's problems is a lack of economic freedom, and the Scandinavian countries have arguably freer markets, not as much regulatory or trade-restrictive. Sanders doesn't want that, of course. He wants the social programs. The high tax rates, however, do starve capital needed for economic growth, and American productivity and income tend to be higher. There are various sources, e.g.,

Is he really running as a democrat because he sure doesn't sound like it?
Hold on. Webb is not exactly a conservative. His lifetime ACU rating is 14.25 while McCain's is over 80 at last glance. Clinton had about an 8, Obama about a 10 and Sanders around a 6. So maybe he voted 1 time out of 10 more conservative than the others--which is not saying much. I do think he's making a play for the more conservative of Dem voters, but if you recall Lieberman did the same in 2004 and never got any traction.

Stossel is spot on on this one; you're attracting the usual natural health cranks. The issue is that the government monopoly on on drug approvals kills more people than any lives saved through extended testing. The fascists Clinton and Sanders find the pharmaceutical industry a useful scapegoat to divert attention from government failures. The latest whipping boy, Daraprim by Turing, took advantage of the fact generic drug producers for the off-patent drug, which is prescribed 10,000 vs. 4B prescriptions per year, would have to go through very expensive FDA approvals. Turing is simply exploiting the rules set by fascist government.

(Rand Paul 2016). Rand Paul: ‘Idiots in the Republican Party’ Want War in Syria and So Does Hillary Clinton
 Only one idiot in the Republican party is claiming other idiots want war no one wants war Rand Paul! I guess the old saying is true it takes one to know one!
Retard! The neo-cons--which are everyone except Paul--have blasted Paul for this point--all on the pretext of defeating ISIS.

Wait... I Thought "YES" Was Daniel Bryan's Tagline....

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Chip Bok via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Roberta Flack (with Maxi Priest), "Set the Night to Music". One of my favorites; this concludes my Roberta Flack retrospective. Next up: Meat Loaf.