
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Miscellany: 10/28/15

Quote of the Day
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
William Shakespeare

Remy is Back With a Trump Spoof

Tweet of the Day
This Is the GOP Party

Chart of the Day: The Corrupt Obama/Boehner Budget Deal

Or "Grandchildren, you're going to carry that weight, carry that weight a long time"

Obviously Obama likes to eat dessert before his veggies....

One Chart

Courtesy of the Heritage Foundation
Rant of the Day: (Speaker-To-Be?) Paul Ryan Blasts the Resurrection of the Ex-Im Bank

HT Cafe Hayek

[I don't want to hear the fascists demagogue about corrupt corporate welfare anymore.]
Mr. Speaker, I want to express my strong disapproval for this bill for the Export-Import Bank.
This is a pretty profound debate we are having. It’s about what kind of economy we’re going to have. Are we going to reward good work or good connections?
I think there are plenty other ways to expand opportunity in this country, and corporate welfare is not one of them. The biggest beneficiaries of this bank, two-thirds of their money go to 10 companies. Forty percent goes to one company.
And this bank does cost money—just ask the Congressional Budget Office when they use real scorekeeping. Remember Fannie Mae? Remember their accounting? Remember when they told us they weren’t going to cost any money—until they did? And it cost us billions.
The other excuse that I just don’t buy is, ‘other countries do this, so should we.’ We shouldn’t acquire other countries’ bad habits. We should be leading by example. We should be exporting democratic capitalism, not crony capitalism.
There is this criticism by those against the free enterprise system who compare it to competition, like a sport. Where the critics of free enterprise say there’s a winner and there’s a loser, just like a boxing match or a football game. Well, that’s true when it comes to crony capitalism. That is the case when it comes to corporate welfare. Because in that case, the winner is the person with connections. It’s the company with power. It’s the company with clout.
The loser is the person who is out there working hard, playing by the rules, not knowing anybody, not going to Washington, hoping and thinking that the merit of their idea and the quality of their work is what will win the day. That’s what is rewarded under a free enterprise system.
Free enterprise is more about collaboration. It’s more about transactions of mutual benefit where everybody benefits, and the rising tide lifts all boats. Equality for all. Equal opportunity. That’s free enterprise. That’s small d, democratic capitalism. This thing is crony capitalism, and I urge it be rejected.
Image of the Day

Oh, Those Crazy Banksters...

From here:
We noted again last week just how lazy the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE:GS) cheaters were when it came to their testing. It turns out another bank is engaged in a brewing cheating scandal as well...

A number of junior analysts at JP Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) have been fired for cheating on internal tests. A combination of crib notes and wandering eyes during what is considered a "relatively easy" accounting test has put the firm's training program in focus.
Cheating on an accounting test...

It's not like that could lead to problems for a company in the future, right? 
I wonder about tests given at the Fed... Or the Treasury Dept.

Political Potpourri

I normally wouldn't post this feature on multiple occasions so frequently this far ahead of actual voting, but the fact that Carson won the two latest polls in Texas and Oklahoma, barely nipping out Trump in the former. The Oklahoma poll is notable in it's one of the first I've seen in a while where the Outsiders have dipped below 50% and Trump under 20%. Rubio and Cruz seem to be rising up as the "Insider" stealth climbers to third and fourth choices. Bush has a stronger showing in Texas than other polls in part because he's a native Texan and his own son holds a statewide position.

I think I need to see more of the other states lean for Carson and Carson win a few more national polls before I call him the frontrunner; as I write, I have not seen the debate which could influence the next few polls. I think though that Carson's unflappable nature is seen as more Presidential.

Clinton is More Worried About Political Survival Than Diplomat Security

Facebook Corner

Ah, the hubris of a central planner! We don't need more efficient Big Government; we need smaller, more localized governance.

The retarded cultists supporting right-fascist Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump hypocritically ignore the fact of a corrupt inexperienced unqualified unprincipled billionaire trying to buy the Presidency and has bragged about buying off politicians. Why are you blaming the whore instead of the john?

The point is, the economically illiterate buffoon has no right to criticize voluntary associations, as if his right to political speech is "more equal". Besides, the last time I looked into it, Trump had only put about $100K of his own money into the Presidency--chump change for a billionaire. He was using his celebrity status to earn free news coverage almost everywhere. This is classic Trump as a parasitic crony capitalist: as his 4 bankruptcies showed, he put little skin into his infamous deals; it was mostly his reputation and political connections; he stuck other investors with the bills for his business failures.

Choose Life: Differing Responses to Parents' Masks

When your real face is scarier than the mask...

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Lisa Benson via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Aretha Franklin, "(Sweet, Sweet Baby) Since You've Been Gone". This is the last of a string of 6 R&B #1/Hot 100 Top 10 hits in 1967-8. She wasn't done in 1968, but the remainder of the year was more of a mix of peaks on the charts.