
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Miscellany: 10/22/15

Quote of the Day
It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him.
John Steinbeck

Rant of the Day: The Fascists Make It Impossible For People to Make a Fresh Start
via IPI on FB:
"On the day I graduated nursing school – I might get a little teary-eyed – but I will never forget coming home from the school and calling my mom and telling her I passed the final. I’m done. I’m actually going to be able to buy my kids a home. I’m actually going to be able to afford to move my kids out of the ‘hood.
"When I was in school I had to move into a very bad neighborhood in order to pay for tuition. And then to be told two months later I was denied a state license to work as a nurse because of my criminal background … it was just devastating.
"I’m a single mom and I worked the whole way through. I worked full time and went to school part time while I completed all my credits. So I worked full time, ran a nonprofit organization in Decatur full time, raised three kids by myself because my fiancé was killed and then was told it wasn’t good enough.
"I just want to go to work as a nurse, take care of my kids and get off of government assistance. That’s it.
"I’m so adamant about that that I walked away from Section 8 [housing]. After I graduated and was told that I couldn’t practice, I went back to work at a second job to move my kids out of that area. Two weeks ago a kid was shot on the block up from where I lived.
"I told them for so many years: “As soon as I get out of school things are going to be different.” My nine-year-old didn’t have any idea of my criminal history and I had to sit down with him and talk to him about that. Because of all this. He didn’t understand. “Why can’t you be a nurse?”
"Those are all things that the legislators don’t think about. They don’t think about the woman who committed a crime when she was 19 and has three kids now that have never been off of food stamps, have never been off of government assistance.
"It’s seems like they don’t want her to move ahead. It’s forced impoverishment.
"You should never give up on trying to move forward. You should never accept being in poverty because officials feel like you shouldn’t be able to move forward."
Lisa Creason
[Note: at 19, Lisa was caught trying to take money out of a Subway cash register and was subsequently sentenced to 3 years in prison. We need serious legal reforms that enable people who have paid their price to make a fresh start.]

Charity of the Day

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

And many poverty-level Americans own one.... via FEE
Need for Civil Disobedience Against Regulatory Fascists

The Need for Whistleblower Protection Reform Against the Tyrannical State

Facebook Corner

(Reason). What Hillary Clinton is doing in today's Benghazi hearings is reiterating that she doesn’t even feel the need to pretend to care about restraints on the White House's war-making authority.
Ah yes the liberal's only evil or morally bankrupt if a Republican does it.
You serious? Actions in Libya are nothing in scope, scale and most importantly intent compared to 9/11. Stupid College Republican go home.

I just wish Democrats has investigated 9/11 with the sincerity these Republican taxpayer money wasting pigs investigated Benghazi.
 [Troll group] is a knee-jerk partisan fascist defending a regime which came to power on a hypocritical anti-war platform and promptly decided to spread the war around, negotiated to stay in Iraq and has resumed hostilities there, has more than doubled American casualties in Afghanistan. Defending a President who approves kill lists and has put Bush's drone offensive with civilian casualties on steroids?
(separate comment)
I'm not done with the fascist troll. Crackpot 9/11 truther conspiracies? Never mind the radicals also attacked Britain and Spain, but the first WTC bombing, the Khobar Towers, and USS Cole attacks occurred on Clinton's watch, as well as the Al Qaeda declaration of war on the US. 

The facts of the matter on Benghazi is that even after the British evacuated their diplomatic personnel from Benghazi, Clinton stayed the course and did not respond to repeated requests for a security upgrade. Despite knowing this was a terrorist attack as the latest evidence shows, Clinton stood by while the Administration tried to scapegoat a Youtube video. In fact, the Administration went after the video makers: "And it was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who promised [Joe Woods, the father of slain Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods] that she would see to it that the person who made the video was arrested and prosecuted." It is clear that Clinton was all in on misleading the American people; it's bad enough this criminal Administration was trying to appease the terrorists by throwing the First Amendment under the bus.

Choose Life: Baby's First Kiss

Marriage and Family

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Lisa Benson via Townhall
Musical Interval: My Favorite Vocalists

Meat Loaf (with Marion Raven), "It's All Coming Back to Me Now". As much as I love Celine Dion, this is the definitive version of the song, probably one of the best duets ever recorded. Nobody sings the hell out of a Steinman classic like Meat Loaf; just listening as a lesser-talented vocalist, I'm just blown away by how he effortlessly nails each difficult note. His power vocals are freaking amazing; Raven does an exquisite job harmonizing with Meat Loaf's vocals. Her vocal inflections are just incredible.

This concludes my Meat Loaf series; next up: the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin.