Quote of the Day
You can build a throne with bayonets, but you can't sit on it for long.Boris Yeltsin
Did a Military Hospital Kill My Dad?
[This essay is being co-published in my tribute blog.]
My folks were Massachusetts natives, but when it came time from my Dad to retire from the Air Force, they made a decision to retire in Texas. The San Antonio area has a cluster of military bases and medical facilities. (My Dad had some health issues related to his military service, notably a hearing disability for working years on the flight line as a jet mechanic.)
To some extent, bodies often break down as part of the aging process, although my Mom had attributed some of Dad's back problems due to the nature of his mechanical work. (My Dad himself never complained about his health issues with me; I knew he had knee issues the last few times I visited home because he had to stop and rest on our way from and to the parking space at a local base exchange.) I knew he had had some major back procedures several years back. In any event, I got an email from my Mom maybe 1 to 2 years back, complaining that Dad or she needed to have an operation, but as senior citizens, they were ineligible. (My Mom gets a lot of forwarded emails that involve urban legends; I've constantly sought to teach her how to use snopes.) I hadn't heard this bit of misinformation before and quickly Googled the topic, which confirmed that the rumor had no factual basis. (In light of what happened later, I sometimes wonder if I should have said anything...)
I hadn't been home in 5 years, since my maternal uncle's golden anniversary of his ordination. (He's now a retired priest in the Fall River diocese. He wanted a quiet, small, intimate celebration. Oddly enough, what I remember most about that weekend was that my MBA marketing service course professor, who later took a position at the University of Georgia, was on the run following the murder of his estranged wife and a man--and was later found having had committed suicide.) I had unsuccessfully sought several times since 2000 to return to Texas, in part to live closer to the folks. There were a variety of budgetary or scheduling reasons I hadn't visited them, including my 2013 birthday start date in a government contractor position in West Virginia (my birthday being during the holiday break).
I gradually become aware that Dad's back issues had recently returned, roughly around April-June 2013 (around the time I lived in WV); I had seen Dad on a number of occasions after his last back surgery (around 2006, although he had a related post-USAF workplace accident in 1983), and he never mentioned his back. He did have some issues (perhaps the knee problems); I remember that he tried to park once in a handicapped spot, but Mom and I told him that we would not not leave the car until he parked in a regular spot. I had never seen him doing that sort of thing in decades of riding with him, so I suspected that he was in some discomfort walking; he grumbled about having to find another spot. The only reason I'm mentioning that is on my next trip, I noticed my Dad's vehicle had handicap plates.
My folks, devout Catholics, seemed to be constantly on what I call the sacrament/graduation/special events tour. (The folks have 6 younger children, 21 grandchildren and at least 14 great-grandchildren (and I think one on the way).) I know that the folks had been to a granddaughter's college graduation in Kansas in December 2013, and one of their great-grandchildren was baptized in February. However I noticed that he wasn't in the pictures for my nephew's Master's in Accounting in early May. My Mom hadn't brought it up, but she confirmed that he was too ill to attend, and they would be skipping that month's other high school and college graduations for 2 other, out-of state grandsons. My baby brother lives in the same area, and I became aware of his helping my Mom deal with my Dad's emerging mobility problems. (It wasn't that my Dad had a weight problem; Mom is petite and had issues, say, helping get him in a car.) He had some spinal injections and had been given a go-ahead by doctors to attend a granddaughter's wedding in mid-July. I know at some stretches during this period he was using a wheelchair to get around, and my parents watched the events via a Skype connection.
I'm confused as to the insurance issue because my Mom at one point argued that she was asked as to whether Dad was covered under ObamaCare, but at some point during July my folks got in touch with the 2006 surgeon who had worked on his back, and a new procedure was scheduled around the beginning of August at a local military medical facility. Mom explained that without surgery, Dad faced spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair and/or in pain. The initial account was that the surgery (in a military facility) was a success, although my Mom implied that he was more listless and less motivated to do therapy, which frankly disturbed me. My baby sister was there to help the folks during this period.
Then came the evening of August 11, a date and a telephone call that I'll never forget. My Dad had been released to a rehabilitation facility less than 24 hours within easy distance from my parents' house. By all accounts, Dad had had a good first day of therapy. My Mom had stepped out to get a bite to eat, when all of a sudden the facility called her to return immediately. My Dad's blood pressure had crashed through the floor. They had called an ambulance, and it was all they could do to stabilize my Dad's blood pressure to get him to the medical center. I was watching some Monday evening entertainment program when I got a call from Mom. My Mom is a tough cookie, so this was totally out of character. She was saying, "We're losing him, your father, Ronald. Do you understand?" She was crying, and then became frantic as they apparently had her escorted from his bedside. "He's dying, Ronald; there's nothing more they can do." There is nothing you can do over the phone; you can't hold her and comfort her. I was grasping for understanding; he had been released within 24 hours, presumably with a thorough health check; how could Dad be fighting for his life? Luckily, Dad seemed to stabilize while we were still on the phone, but Mom was insistent: Dad was dying, and if I wanted to say goodbye, I had to be there as soon as possible. I couldn't find a seat flying out of Pittsburgh, my nearest major airport, for Tuesday. It would take two days of driving to get to San Antonio.
One of my middle sisters called me early afternoon Tuesday and reaffirmed that I needed to get there ASAP. I did find a flight going out at 5AM with 2 connections, touching into San Antonio around noontime. It seems that they lowered medication enough for Dad to regain consciousness for a limited period of time. He needed breathing tubes and so Mom had to communicate with "yes/no" type questions. His organs were beginning to shut down, starting with his kidneys. My siblings, except my baby sister (who said that she had a feeling and make her peace with Dad), were there with their spouses. After my arrival, they once again lowered his drugs. He knew we all were there; I saw his eyes follow me from one side of the bed to the other. He couldn't talk. My memories were a blur during the last 15 minutes or so. They took the breathing tubes out of him; I was confused: why were they doing that? Is he strong enough to survive without the tubes? I can still hear my RN sister telling my Dad to focus on his breathing. My Dad was trying to talk but his throat was too raw. His breathing began to slow; I didn't understand why they weren't reinserting the breathing tubes. My Mom was sobbing inconsolably. He passed all too soon. The doctors were highly professional, but I never got a good answer what the hell happened? It was septic shock, most likely a urinary tract infection. (There was no sign of infection at the site of the surgery.) These sorts of things "happen all the time" Shit happens. How did he get such an infection less than 24 hours in a rehab facility? It didn't make sense. Mom, and the rest of the family including myself, waived an autopsy.
Before proceeding, let me quote from Wikipedia (my edits) :
Patients undergoing major surgery are often catheterized and may remain so for some time. The patient may require irrigation of the bladder with sterile saline injected through the catheter to flush out clots or other matter that does not drain. In urinary catheterization a latex, polyurethane, or silicone tube known as a urinary catheter is inserted into a patient's bladder via the urethra....A clinician, often a nurse, usually performs the procedure. A Foley catheter (indwelling urinary catheter) is retained by means of a balloon at the tip that is inflated with sterile water. The balloons typically come in two different sizes: 5 cm3 and 30 cm3. They are commonly made in silicone rubber or natural rubber.My Mom recently mentioned that my brother-in-law, married to my RN sister, had ranted at the surgery facility. His issue was not the surgeon and his staff but the quality of the nursing staff (ironic, since my Dad has one RN daughter and two RN granddaughters). Let me excerpt one of his relevant responses to my query:
Everyday care of catheter and drainage bag is important to reduce the risk of infection. Such precautions include:
Cleansing the urethral area (area where catheter exits body) and the catheter itself.
Disconnecting drainage bag from catheter only with clean hands
Disconnecting drainage bag as seldom as possible.
Keeping drainage bag connector as clean as possible and cleansing the drainage bag periodically.
Use of a thin catheter where possible to reduce risk of harming the urethra during insertion.
Drinking sufficient liquid to produce at least two liters of urine daily.
I asked the question about a hospital acquired infection when I had heard Dad’s sepsis was caused by the infection at the site of the Foley Catheter. His surgical wound was clean and the only location of infection was the catheter. To me, it pointed to poor nursing care at the hospital he was at for the back surgery. I called XXXX and identified to their Risk management folk that Dad’s sepsis was due to improper care for his catheter at the hospital where he had his back surgery.. XXXX’s risk management folk referred me back to the initial hospital. I spoke with their Risk Management representative and she started to blow me off until I told her a patient that just had surgery at their hospital and been discharged to rehab had been sent as an emergency to XXXX and subsequently passed away due to a hospital acquired infection at the site of his catheter causing sepsis. Oh yeah and by the way, this patient was at the rehab facility for less than 24 hours. She suddenly became very engaged and took my information and Dad’s information. I never heard back from them and I asked mom if she wanted me to pursue this and her answer was no as it wouldn’t bring dad back.God bless my brother-in-law. I understand that hospitals get CYA syndrome; but there must be accountability and a due diligence standard for nursing. Our experience as a whole is a positive one for the military level of care, quality and professionalism; I'll always appreciate their efforts to give me a chance to say goodbye to Dad. It is important to remember not just to do the big things well, but the little things, too. In this case, we lost my Dad, done far too soon. I regret the lost opportunities to have conversations with my Dad. My Dad was not just another patient.
I firmly believe it was poor nursing care at the original facility dad had his back surgery at. His catheter care was not done correctly as well as his change from post operative day 1 to a lethargic state prior to his discharge to the rehab center should have been keys as to something going on.
This was all my driving thoughts and why I wanted to identify a problem at the initial facility so it wouldn’t happen to anyone else.
The surgeon did a fine job. The wound looked great and showed no signs of infection. The only site of infection was the foley catheter site.
A Few Comments Over the Confederacy and the "Gay Marriage" Kerfuffle
I wasn't sure what started the Confederate (battle) flag kerfuffle (I had a suspicion, but I had no interest in researching the monster who had murdered 9 people in a church). Sure enough, the creep was photographed with a Confederate flag. How far does this nonsense go? I mean, if we found out that he wore Levi jeans or liked to eat at McDonald's, would the politically correct fascists launch boycotts against them next? I now understand the context for Gov. Haley's decision to bring down the Confederate flag. I'm intrigued by ironic alternatives, like lowering Confederate flags at half-mast until a verdict is reached in the trial of the monster.
I think in part I have a libertarian notion regarding free expression and the use of flags. As a reminder of historical fact, the Civil War was NOT over slavery; Lincoln himself admitted as much in his inaugural address. If you look at the major battles in the Civil War, I believe very few (if any) reached north beyond border states, e.g., Pennsylvania. The vast majority of battles took place in the South and borders. The figures I've seen is over 95% of Confederate soldiers were not slaveholders. Almost half the casualties (of 1.3M total) in US history occurred during the Civil War. This is not to say I mourn the loss of the immoral institution of slavery in the South. I think the collapse of slavery in the South was inevitable because, e.g., with improvements in agricultural technology and productivity, it was cheaper to pay a few free farmhands than pay the high costs of maintaining slave operations. Plus there was a desire by many European customers for cotton and other exports by non-slave operations. But, in any event, there is no doubt that the Southern soldier saw himself as protecting his home from tyrannical invaders from the North. To me, the conscription of soldiers is effectively a type of slavery.
Finally, several libertarian threads (Reason, FEE, Cato Institute, etc.) have driven themselves into an orgasmic frenzy over SCOTUS issuing a national fiat for rainbow-colored official "marriage" certification. Some of them are absurd click bait, e.g., why libertarians who argue against "gay marriage" are wrong. I know my position is completely consistent with libertarianism: I am not frustrating the free association of gays, their contractual rights, their ability to migrate to gay-friendly cities or states, etc. But straights also have the same rights. Let the states and municipalities compete for gay communities.
Facebook Corner
(IPI). See below cartoon.
The debt isn't the fault of the teachers. It's the fault of the criminals in Springfield that have spent the money that should have been in the pension plans decades ago.
The union whores as usual want to deflect attention to politicians. But in the few remaining companies which have pension systems, they don't allow union games of salary increases at the end of one's career or other spiking games (it's based off some median/average career earning) and expects half the investment return (meaning the employer has to kick in more funding). And the public actuaries had disregarded the implications of the huge Baby Boomer generation and longer retirements. Some public entities have seen their pension budget quadruple over the past 15 years--and that's just the tip. So economic illiterate union propagandists don't know what the hell they're talking about.
(Catholic Libertarians).Real equality and true freedom would be marriage that is not licensed by the government; relationships and verbiage that are not defined and regulated by bureaucrats; the freedom of speech, association, and religion without the need to first ask for permission by filling out an application for a certificate of approval from the secular state; clergymen that are not also legal officiants and thus under legal obligations; and churches that would stop binding themselves to the 501(c)(3) puppet strings of the IRS.
[There was a typical Christian "progressive" point that just because Jesus did not specifically teach against gays or rule out "gay marriage", He was pro-gay rights.]
WRONG. Mark 10: "But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ 6" 7For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife 8 and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh.9Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."
It is very clear what Judaic practices and thought on homosexuality were at the time of Christ's mission. If Jesus had been violating orthodoxy, it would have been known--just as Jesus notably condemned the practice of divorce above. If you have any exposure to classical (Roman/Greek) literature, you would have known homosexuality was accepted (this dawned on me when in undergraduate school, I was reading the translation of an ancient text, and the phrase "beautiful boy" kept popping up). It's not only that but abortion and infanticide were widely practiced in Rome, and one of the earliest Christian texts unambiguously condemned the practice. So when Paul, a Roman citizen, specifically condemned homosexuality, it was no mere accident:
"Homosexual behavior was especially manifest in Rome and Greece at that time, but which was and is a historical constant among all peoples, in differing but deleterious forms, and with different degrees of moral degeneration being realized. For the follower of the Bible therefore, homosexuality is not new, nor unexpected, but neither is it justified, rather it is unequivocally condemned, while God is revealed as giving man grace to resist and overcome sin...The history of homosexuality as regards the position of Judaism and Christianity is testified to by extra-biblical accounts of ancient historians, commentators and leaders. As concerns Jewish beliefs, Gagnon notes in the study of homosexuality and biblical interpretation, that "every piece of evidence that we have about Jewish views of same-sex intercourse in the Second Temple period and beyond is unremittingly hostile to such behavior."
(Time). "Perhaps it is time to be more careful what we ask government to do, and where we allow it to become part of our lives."
Over 30 states confirmed the common law and over 200 years of American legal recognition of marriage as between a man and a woman, the foundation of natural family. But judicial fascist whores weren't satisfied, given alleged sweeping politically correct popularity of rainbow-colored certificates, to work through the established process. It was necessary to impose socially-experiment policy by judicial fiat over the principle of free association. Rand Paul is spot on.
Cancer, A Man and His Faithful Companion
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via IPI |
Courtesy of Glenn Foden via Townhall |
Dionne Warwick, "Promises, Promises"