
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Miscellany: 6/18/15

Quote of the Day

If you work on your mind with your mind, 
how can you avoid immense confusion?

Chart of the Day: Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse
Via Reason
Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

A Little Corny, But... Track Down Those Regulators!

Even John Stossel Can't Afford to Open a Lemonade Stand

Another April Fool's Prank

Wedding and Family

Choose Life

Facebook Corner

(Mises Institute). Ryan McMaken: Since 2011 (and possibly before), Donad Trump, a "candidate" for the GOP nomination, has been been advocating for harsh trade measures against China, even once advocating a 25% tariff on Chinese goods. He claims it is necessary because the Chinese have been manipulating the Chinese currency to gain a trade advantage (the US, of course, would never do such a thing.)
He knows nothing about economics, or the free market..25% increase, would destroy the middle class, we are as a society now dependent, on goods from China. This might of worked in the 80s. Its too late.
No, trade wars have never worked in any decade.

(Reason). It's not Hillary Clinton's physical age that's troubling. It's that her policies and ideas are totally stuck in a backward-looking model of top-down governance that is the opposite of what we need in the 21st century.
So how about for counterpoint that you compare that to her republican counter parts???. I'm so sick of the hack jobs with out looking at the full picture. I'll vote for her or Bernie any day over any Luddite, Neanderthal republicans living in the 1950s
So how about you compare the unaccomplished, fascist, economical illiterate, responsibility-shirking political whore who is pushing the decades-old, same old, same old failed "progressive" programs and her gender as her primary selling point, who hasn't come forward with an idea she didn't beg, steal or borrow? She is still pushing the same policies that the failed incumbent has run over the last 7 years... All a GOP candidate has to do to win the vote of any rational voter is promise to not be a Clinton, Bush, or Obama.

(a follow-up exchange from a Cato Institute post, which rejoiced in Millennials supporting some of its foreign policy ideas. I had a tongue-in-cheek response I doubted the Millennials could find Iraq on the globe.)
 There's this thing called the internet.... it's better then having a globe....
The point is, the typical Millennial in my experience is fairly naive and gullible, and I'm not sure Millennials could find Iraq on the Internet ; they might think 'Iraq' and 'Iran' are the same (quoting Alan Jackson).. I haven't taught them so far, but I taught the prior generation and it's pretty much the same--and when I was on faculty, I was one of the few academics who didn't buy into '"progressive" groupthink bullshit.. Most of the students couldn't or didn't want to think for themselves and hence can be influenced by crackpot conspiracy theorists and all sorts of unvetted propaganda.

Now Cato Institute is pushing its own agenda, and it's happy to see Millennials are buying into talking points, e.g., Iraq was such an obvious policy failure from the get-go, Bush lied and people died, etc. Even as a noninterventionist today, I agree it was a mistake.I don't think Bush himself realized at the time of the invasion that we would be there 7 years. And keep in mind it wasn't obvious Bush intended this: he had criticized Clinton for nation-building, and his own father had backed away from deposing Hussein at the end of the first Gulf War.

This is a generation whose idea of culture is a family whose father just had his genitals cut off. Keep in mind that Obama had largely distanced himself from Clinton and others because of an early speech opposing US intervention, having that judgment. Well, that "judgment" was tested in Afghanistan, the "good" war. Never mind Afghanistan had chewed up Soviet casualties. obviously Obama was different from all past rulers who had failed in Afghanistan--and lost more American lives in fewer years there than Bush did..

Me, I became a noninterventionist despite being born and raised as a military brat. I was largely taught by "progressive" professors and teachers who never shared my current point of view. I hold opinions different from my family and friends. The test of Millennials is whether they have the stomach to hold onto an unpopular idea.

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Gzry Varvel via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Dionne Warwick, "Who Can I Turn To?"