
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Miscellany: 6/04/15

Quote of the Day
The greatest thrill known to man isn't flying--it's landing.
Author unknown

Who Will Save Dying Patients From the FDA Bureaucrats?
Companies consider between 5,000 and 10,000 substances for every one that ends up in the pharmacy. Of those, only one-fifth actually makes money—and must pay for everything. The average delay in winning approval of a new drug rose from seven months in 1962, when the FDA’s power was dramatically increased, to 30 months in 1967. Approval time now is estimated to run as much as 20 years. Companies don’t make money selling medicines that don’t work. And putting out something dangerous is a fiscal disaster. The FDA increases the cost of all medicines, delays the introduction of most pharmaceuticals, and prevents some from reaching the market. That means patients suffer and even die needlessly. Analyst Dale Gieringer figured that the benefits of FDA regulation “could reasonably be put at some 5,000 casualties per decade or 10,000 per decade for worst-case scenarios.  In comparison … the cost of FDA delay can be estimated at anywhere from 21,000 to 120,000 lives per decade.” Medical organizations already maintain pharmaceutical databases and set standards for drug treatments. They could move into testing and assessment. - Cato Institute
Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

The Aftermath of Kelo

Dinosaur Wars and Cronyism

Facebook Corner

(an exchange based on my FEE comment yesterday)
You're insane. Its not against the law to yell fire in a theater, try to keep up
Obviously if there is a fire, there's not an issue--but this is a well-known example since Justice Holmes raised the point nearly a century ago. Most libertarians like myself would agree your "right" to incite a public safety fatal panic is subordinate to other people's right to life/health. And SCOTUS has reaffirmed restrictions involving dangerous speech. I was speaking in terms of a metaphor, turning Sen. Whitehouse's unethical position on its head with his irresponsible position in favor of politically correct censorship; note that I did not call for the prosecution of alarmists like the fascist Al Gore.

(Citizens Against Government Waste). Help CCAGW counter “Big Labor” and the other self-serving special interests opposed to free trade...
 Not only is fast-trade authority a moral necessity in this time of lose-lose protectionist populist demagoguery, this lose-lose war by the crony special interests on consumers should be offset by a unilateral declaration of free trade.

(Rand Paul 2016). Our previous president remembered.
 Haven't we had enough Bush-bashing over the past 7 years of the current administration? (Not to mention a long 2008 campaign.) Look, the current President used to bitch about Bush's wars, voted against raising the debt ceiling, pledged to fight against erosion of civil liberties, etc. It's true that Bush's domestic and international policies were bad for America, but Obama not only ran against them like FDR ran against Hoover: he also embraced them and put them on steroids.

(Institute For Justice). Eminent domain abuse is still happening today, and we’re still fighting tooth and nail to stop it. [See above video.]
 I'd have hoped to see a bit about Keystone (which = Kelo + Oil) on this video.
You idiots don't seem to realize oil pipelines are buried like 4 feet underground and don't impede farmers' ability to use the topsoil or traverse the property. It involves only a narrow strip of property, and the property owner is well-compensated. In what warped sense of reality are you retards comparing the condemnation of a home to an easement across a property?

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Patriot Post
Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via IPI
Courtesy of Henry Payne via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalistss

Cat Stevens, "Two Fine People"