
Monday, June 22, 2015

Miscellany: 6/22/15

Quote of the Day

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Chinese proverb

Tweet of the Day
One of the Better Discussions of How Government, Not Banks, Caused the 2008 Economic Tsunami

Choose Life: Aren't Baby Girls Precious, Wonderful?

Facebook Corner

(Cato Institute). "Thirteen years ago the government tried to take 47 percent of farmer Marvin Horne’s raisins and give him nothing in return. Horne fought back, arguing that the confiscation was an uncompensated taking of private property under the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause. Today, on his second trip to the Supreme Court, Mr. Horne’s claim was vindicated by eight justices."
This unholy alliance between the federal government and business needs to end. No more corporate bailouts, no more corporate welfare, no more farm subsidies, no more involvement beyond ensuring that businesses are playing by the now vastly reduced rules.
What the HELL are you talking about, MORON? This case involves government anti-consumer, anti-competitive command-and-control of the raisin market, and confiscating part of the crop without compensation. The FASCISTS are the problem. Damn economically illiterate leftst bastards. FDR was an economic bonehead who believed in the deflation bugaboo. He wanted to protect farmers from low prices---that comes at a lower standard of living for the American citizen. The cartels were what FDR wanted to carry out his insane policy. But these cartels were only possible because of corrupt fascist political whores.

(IPI). This May, Illinois suffered the loss of 2,500 manufacturing jobs, and is down a total of 7,900 factory jobs for 2015.
White Collar Jobs, or as I call them people that really do nothing to earn a paycheck. Just like a stock broker and their team of hundreds of people that work(ha)behind the scenes to make absolutely nothing, produce absolutely nothing. When was the last time your broker came to you after you lost a bunch of money and said we are going to make up every dime you lost? With that many people standing behind you how could they now see the bottom falling out? They need your money to get paid, thats why you have to loose or just stay even. The Bullshit White Collar job.
Given the fact that the service economy (including knowledge workers) has been trending higher than the manufacturing sector for decades, not just here but globally, this blue-collar hubris is not only condescending, self-serving, and clueless, but he doesn't seem to realize much of what makes his earning a living possible is through the efforts of those white-collar workers. Only an insecure jerk feels the need to attack what other people do for a living.

( Looking through the last several decades, “what kids learn in school is basically flat and what we spend on them has increased exponentially." What’s broken in schools and colleges today, and how can we fix it? 
 I haven't listened to the interview yet, but I think almost all of us who believe in the free market realize that government is the problem, not the solution. We need market-based compensation, improved accountability, an end to tenure, lowered barriers to entry, competition, deregulation, the principle of Subsidiarity, productivity measures, disruptive technologies, more vesting of parents in the education process (funding, empowerment, etc).

( The Civil War wasn't really about states' rights. ‪#‎QOTD‬ ‪#‎liberty‬ ‪#‎libertarianism
Is this essay on heavy rotation? I can swear this is at least the third time over this weekend I've seen this topic pop up--and repetition does not make a bad essay any better. Whether or not the construct of state rights appears reasonable to the authors, what is clear is: (1) free assocation; (2) tyranny of the majority. The Southern states felt they were being marginalized and dominated by a central government unduly representing Northern protectionist interests. The libertarian concept of free association exists, however morally righteous or wrong the reasons or no reasons. Explain how and when did the Southern states lose their right to join or not join the other states: when did joining a union become a type of slavery?

The fact of the matter is that abolitionists would have welcomed a voluntary divorce by either the North or South to be rid of slavery. We did not need America's bloodiest war; every other nation was rid of slavery without such loss of blood and treasure.

( Earlier today, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley called for the removal of the Confederate flag from state capitol grounds. Why is the removal of this political symbol so important?
"In the struggle for liberty, the symbols that we choose matter a lot. It matters how people perceive us, it matters what those symbols really mean."
Gov. Haley is simply buckling under the pressure of political correctness. I have no interest in defending the abomination of slavery nor any nostalgia for the Confederate flag. I criticized this video essay last weekend and feel little need to repeat myself. But the author's attempt to argue that the Civil War was all about slavery and not about other factors is simply not credible by compelling evidence: Lincoln was willing to throw the slaves under the bus in order to achieve reunification (see his inaugural address: "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.") So why did Lincoln invade the South if his fight wasn't slavery?. Even ardent abolitionist Lysander Spooner, who probably would have supported Northern as well as Southern secession, either which would have achieved abolition in the North, knew it wasn't about slavery: "On the part of the North, the war was carried on, not to liberate the slaves, but by a government that had always perverted and violated the Constitution, to keep the slaves in bondage; and was still willing to do so, if the slaveholders could thereby induced to stay in the Union. The principle, on which the war was waged by the North, was simply this: That men may rightfully be compelled to submit to, and support, a government that they do not want; and that resistance, on their part, makes them traitors and criminals."
Gov. Haley was buckling before. Now he sees the opportunity to do what he knows is right. The Confederate flag today = racist stupid a-holes. Speak about history. Write books. Take down the flag. Grow up.
First, Haley is a woman. Second, I can't speak for Southerners (I was born in Texas but I was an Air Force brat), but as someone not sympathetic to the flag points out "to the Southerners I've met that identify with it, they think of the flag as a symbol of the joys and values of being Southern. Many of these qualities, like common courtesy, are some of the things that are so refreshing about the South compared to New York." For a more balanced perspective, see

(Citizens Against Government Waste). Something's fishy here...
Ban unions and collective bargaining for federal workers.

Choose Life: Adoption is a Wonderful Choice

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Chip Bok via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

Dionne Warwick, "Alfie"