
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Miscellany: 6/11/15

Quote of the Day

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
Charles A. Beard

Juan Williams Is Clueless About Job Creation

The Statist War on Lemonade Stands Continues...

Real Education Choice

Choose Life: Calvin's Birthday

I don't remember when or how I stumbled across Jared and Ellie's vlog on Youtube. I wouldn't say that I'm a regular viewer, but I've probably watched a couple of dozen episodes over the last couple of years. There is something wholesome and endearing about the couple; they have a positive perspective, great humor and are delightfully goofy at times. I have never been blessed with a child on my own, but I imagine this portrayal of childbirth is fairly realistic and in my opinion very well done. There are a few flashback spots here; just to provide some context, earlier in the pregnancy last year, she was spotting, which apparently can be a precursor to a miscarriage; in fact, Ellie's doctor told her that the most likely scenario was losing the baby. (Calvin is their second-born, after big brother Jackson.) Happy birthday, Calvin!

I'm the oldest of seven, the only one never married and with no children. I did not live within a reasonable distance when my nephews and nieces were born. The next oldest is 14 months younger, and I still remember her pushing her doll carriage while we pretended to visit our (paternal) grandmother. A nurse, she met her husband while they served together in the Air Force (we were Air Force brats). When she got pregnant, it was a little emotional for me, because I remember all her life she wanted a family of her own. There were issues to the point her first-born baby was born premature. I was in the middle of writing my dissertation, but I took off from Houston to San Antonio (where my brother-in-law was stationed) the first chance I could get, only to find that I was not allowed to see my newborn niece in her incubator (only immediate family and grandparents). My sister managed to smuggle me in there. For the first few months when my sister and her husband visited my folks had to carry along some medical equipment. Today you would never believe my niece was once a premie, and she got married last summer.

Facebook Corner

(Citizens Against Government Waste). “Better stewardship of the taxpayers’ money should be the mantra for every member of Congress.” - CAGW President Tom Schatz
What is with all the anti-trade economic illiterates spamming this thread with their protectionist bullshit? Here is one of the first principles of economics: consider the interests of the consumer, and we are ALL consumers. Consumers benefit from more and better competition--more innovation, better prices, variety and supplies of goods. Ask the poor and the umemployed during the Depression whether FDR's farming policies--which limited production, even destroying abundant supplies, to manipulate higher prices for farmers--benefited them.

Now personally, I'm in favor of declaring unilateral free trade. TPA is not exactly free trade, but it is a baby step in the right direction. Let's be clear: you don't need trade pacts for free trade; you just get the hell out of the way between consumers and producers. We American consumers get lower tariffs/prices as well as foreign consumers get better access and prices of American goods. Over 90%of the world's population/consumers live outside the US.

The anti-trade fascists/populists ignore the relative proportion of manufacturing jobs is part of a macro trend (just as in the case of farm labor) which has been affected more by improvements in production technology than in nefarious foreign suppliers.

(IPI). The Chicago Sun-Times: Joe Moore, Alderman of Chicago's 49th Ward is pushing for consideration of a first-ever city income tax for all wages earned in Chicago.
The income tax is one of the most morally hazardous, economically retarded policies ever designed; it shifts the tax burden to the productive. The political whores spent themselves into a mess; like any family on a budget, they have to find a way to live within their means. That includes the corrupt public sector union pension systems. No bailouts for past corrupt bargains between the parasitic unions and their corrupt legislators.

Political Humor

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Yusuf Islam, "Boots and Sand". Paul (yes, THE Paul) and Dolly back Yusuf in this catchy little tune. This marks the end of my Stevens/Islam retrospective. Next up: Dionne Warwick.