Quote of the Day
The nearest way to glory -- a shortcut, as it were -- isto strive to be what you wish to be thought to be.
Tweet of the Day
"Progressives" love to spend money from other people's pockets, and they love tolerance when it comes to their rulemaking over others.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) June 9, 2015
Image of the DayFifty Times Better Than a Guitar Liturgy
Choose Life: A Pro-Life Parody of a Miley Cyrus Tune
A Pool Party in Texas and Police Intervention
I had heard of this incident in passing but I reserved judgment until I saw the footage myself. This police officer, who has since resigned, was clearly out of control. He yanked down a bikini-clad black teen, who did not seem threatening, to the ground and actually kneels down on her back. In another clip from the video he's reaching for his gun following nonviolent teens when another officer pulls up next to him and taps him on the shoulder.
I have gotten used to so many police chiefs and union spokesmen come to knee-jerk defenses of clear wrongdoing that it's refreshing to hear from a police chief who gets it:
At a press conference Tuesday announcing Casebolt's resignation, the city's police chief called his actions in the video indefensible.On the down side, I had to restrain my tongue on a relevant Reason FB thread where the usual "police can do no wrong" trolls were attacking Reason for being an anti-cop forum. There is no reasoning with these zealots--there is no respect for the truth, even with direct video evidence of wrongdoing. Months after Eric Garner lost consciousness unable to breathe, we have a young woman face down with a male cop putting his full weight on her back... They are absolutely clueless; one bad apple on the force unfortunately gets more publicity than all the good cops.
"Our policies, our training, our practice, do not support his actions," Police Chief Greg Conley said. "He came into the call out of control, and as the video shows, was out of control during the incident."
Facebook Corner
(Cato Institute). "Any presidential candidate who believes that 'All across the nation when [politicians spend taxpayers' money] on stadiums, it's a good deal,' shouldn't be anywhere near the federal Treasury."
—The Cato Institute's EVP David Boaz on Scott Walker's controversial proposal to spend $250 million of taxpayers' money to build a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks
Again huffpost is lying. Walker explained how if they invest several million dollars to build the stadium, the resulting revenue will easily repay the state for it. That's not corporate welfare.
No, it's corrupt. A professional sports team is in the private sector. Anyway you slice it, whether it's the immoral Ex-Im Bank subsidizing exports or cheap sports business loans at taxpayer expense, it's intrinsically at the expense of other taxpayers. The government should not be picking winners and losers in the marketplace. Walker has learned nothing from Obama/Dems' superspending. For him to try to defend this is sheer madness.
(FEE). Gov. Scott Walker defended his proposal to spend $250 million of taxpayers’ money to build a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks. He is wrong. http://at.fee.org/1FOqBBC
Keeping a professional sports team in town (versus allowing them to move) by building a new arena is one of the very, very few taxpayer subsidized policies that can bring in more tax revenue than the cost to taxpayers. This is probably true even of Milwaukee. Think of this: what would happen if the Green Bay Packers left? They would probably take $200 million/year in tax revenue with them. So, even if the packers demanded a $1.5 billion stadium, it would make sense for Wisconsin to approve it, given they could secure a 10 year lease.
I can't believe how many people are willing to subsidize professional sports at taxpayer expense. Walker is just another "conservative" hypocrite. Listening to people claim the state sometimes clears money over a corrupt use of the taxpayers' money reminds me of the same idiotic reasoning behind the Kelo case., where developers convinced the political whores they would clear more tax revenues from development than the then homeowners on the property.
(IPI). Democrats mistakenly think the threat of a government shutdown will elicit public outrage and force Governor Bruce Rauner's hand into agreeing to higher taxes. Spoiler alert: The Democrats will lose this fight.
You people are idiots, as it seems all republicans are. Smh
Fascist OP trolls love to spend money so long it's from other people's pockets.
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Ben Garrison via Catholic Libertarians |
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Courtesy of the original artist via Catholic Libertarians |
Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall |
Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens, with Ronan Keating), "Father and Son"