Quote of the Day
Behind every great fortune there is a crime.Honore de Balzac
Tweet of the Day
The Gray Lady is robustly investigating Rubio's traffic violations; one wonders if Hillary Clinton's chaffeurs are also under scrutiny.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) June 10, 2015
Image of the Day![]() |
Via Independent Institute |
How California "Progressives" Created a Water Shortage
Facebook Corner
(Reason). Conservatives like Sean Hannity should not shy away from demanding that public employees be held accountable, especially when video evidence overwhelming supports a verdict of reckless behavior.
Hannity ia unoriginal and repetitive. I think I read a similar piece from a policeman under a pseudonym for the National Review. Hannity and this officer had an issue with how the two unarmed male teens approached. Keep in mind there were about a dozen cops on the scene. At least two pull up beside the rogue cop after he took his gun out of its holster. The boys immediately withdrew from the scene. My inference is like the other teens in the clip. they were protesting the cop's rough, hostile behavior, and he didn't like what they were saying. There is no evidence that the kids going to a pool party were armed, and it would be suicidal for them to threaten an unhinged armed cop with nearly a dozen other cops in the vicinity.
This brings up a critical distinction; there's a difference between conservatives and right-wing authoritarians. I happen to be part of the pro-liberty conservative movement with the Paul's, Amash, Massie and others; we don't believe in Big Government across the board. We identify more with the Depression-era Old Right, which opposed both FDR's domestic and foreign interventionism. Our conservatism is in the tradition of liberty principles, which are compromised by unbounded government.
Sean Hannity is not a conservative, he's a Republican propagandist, big difference.
The OP troll disregards the fact that Hannity publicly split from the GOP years back is a registered Conservative (Party).
(IPI). Decade after decade, the two Chicago Democrats have let Illinois’ unfunded pension liability grow. Now it’s at $111 billion, making Illinois home to the nation’s worst pension crisis.
First, the legislators and governors are responsible for their own votes and signatures; they have a professional reponsibility to act in the best interests of the taxpayer and should have a professional code of ethics, not put their own political career ahead of the long-term interests of state residents. Second, the corrupt special interests, especially the public sector unions, have had a disparate effect on the collapsing status quo at the expense of all the other residents. Third, the majority of state voters are responsible for not demanding better from their chosen political leaders.
The blame can only go to the voters!
No, it's part an issue of professional ethics and gross incompetence, punting to the next legislature to handle the real issues.
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Eric Allie via the Washington Examiner |
Yusuf Islam, "Peace Train". His vocals are still awesome; I think this performance is better than the original studio mega-hit; the musical arrangement and vocal dexterity and phrasing are sparking, like new wine in new wineskins...