
Monday, December 22, 2014

Miscellany: 12/22/14

Quote of the Day
Experience is something I always think I have until I get more of it.
Dan Kaercher

Image of the Day

RIP, Joe Cocker!

When I couldn't find his Best of CD after a move, I went out and bought a replacement copy, something I've never done for any other artist. I'm  a big fan. My favorite performances follow:

A Brilliant Insight into a Key Fallacy Behind Leftist Economics

Slavery a Precursor to Capitalism? No - Don Boudreaux

I have encouraged my readers to subscribe to my favorite daily email--a daily digest of posts from Cafe Hayek. I have never been bored, and I am amazed by Don's variety, detail and quality in posts. There is a novel hypothesis spreading in academia that it took abundant, cheap slave-produced cotton to spark the industrial revolution. Don does an excellent job in one of his trademark pithy letters to the editor critically analyzing the underlying theory: slavery has been an institution for thousands of years; why cotton of all commodities, and why only in the nineteenth-century in English-speaking countries? And if exploited slave labor made the difference, how do we explain that in the post-Civil War South, without slave labor, production of cotton went up by almost half with cotton prices roughly the same as they were during the pre-Civil War South?

Adults Try the Michelle Obama Public School Lunch Specials

Facebook Corner

(Ron Paul). QE infinity! My weekly column is out: 'Janet Yellen's Christmas Gift to Wall Street' ->
(responding to anti-bank thread)
Okay, this anti-bank stuff is crackpot nonsense; you can't have it both ways; under inflation, the value of debt is diminished, i.e., a transfer of wealth from creditors to debtors. In effect, I suspect that's a motivation of an inflation target and government debt. Under deflation, you're paying off loans with more valuable dollars, so there is an opposite effect. This thread is also being infiltrated by crackpot Keynesians arguing stimulus spending, anathema to Ron Paul.

(National Review). His mockery of Marco Rubio as “isolationist” reveals Paul as a joke in the foreign-policy arena.
The author of this piece (and many of the commenters in this thread) is a retard. What do you think no trade and no diplomacy mean, but isolationist? Not even the Old Right and their modern-day successors, the pro-liberty conservatives, deserved the neocon slur; those of us real pro-liberty conservatives reject today's hypocritical Big Defense authoritarians still clinging to this Cold War anachronistic policy. Rand Paul is the true pro-liberty patriot.

(Reason). A Milwaukee cop will not face charges for shooting an unarmed man 14 times after a scuffle began when the cop told the victim he couldn’t sleep on a park bench.
Two prior officers found there was no problem, the cop did an improper pat-down from behind without reasonable cause and against training and then shoots the unarmed, nonthreatening man 14 times and you have fascist cop apologists spamming this thread? Never mind that he wasn't fired for unnecessarily killing someone for the heinous crime of resting on a park bench, but for not following department policy up to the point of the shooting. (The cop supposedly attacked the victim with his baton and the baton was wrestled away. When the victim responded in kind with a blow to the neck, the cop said that he felt his life was in danger and used deadly force.)

 Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall
Musical Interlude: Christmas 2014

Bach Cantana 147 "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"