Our greatest glory is not in never failing,
but in rising every time we fail.
Tweet of the Day
Even Obama finds his policies hard to swallow http://t.co/2jDGnNriMS
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) December 7, 2014
Image of the Day![]() |
Via Rand Paul |
H. Res. 758 Passes: Thumbs DOWN!
As a non-interventionist, I appreciate the dissenting votes on this ill-designed, anti-Russian resolution from 3 of my favorite Congressmen--Amash, Massie and Jones.
Everything Must Get Cut...
Facebook Corner
(Lew Rockwell). The GOP represents the ruling oligarchy as surely as the Democrats. Party fights are real, but the scramble is over loot. There are no serious ideological differences. That’s why Mitch McConnell says Obamacare will not be repealed. After all, it’s quite similar to the Gingrich-Heritage plan offered against Hillarycare. And Obamacare was written by big business, pharmaceutical and insurance. Nor is the GOP against welfare and votes for the world. Like war and the police state, mass immigration is a bipartisan issue, no matter the rhetoric used on the rubes during elections. All would-be world empires, from Rome to the United State, are of necessity multicultural, to secure the consent of far-flung provinces.
We don't have to be crackpot conspiracy types to know the Dems have 46 votes in the Senate to filibuster repeal and there are enough Dems in either chamber to sustain a veto. That's what McConnell means; it doesn't make him a tool of Big Business. Recall that it'll be the GOP playing defense in 2016 in the Senate.
(Ron Paul). Julie Borowski’s perspective on Eric Garner’s death goes to the heart of the matter.
Do you agree? http://bit.ly/1rWYwb2
Let's face it: other than a low universal consumption tax, cigarette taxes are exploitative, regressive and punitive in nature, a variation of majoritarian abuse of tax authority by nonsmoking despots who aim to discriminate against consumer choices.
There is no doubt that the allegation of a victimless crime was the rationale for the arrest and the police's killing of Garner would likely have not happened without the rationale for intervention. But let's face it: there are so many laws that, contrary to the concept of the rule of law, enforcement becomes arbitrary in nature. But here we also have the issue of a lack of professionalism and the lack of discretion and judgment by those entrusted with the legal monopoly of lethal force.
What is particularly troubling is the spamming in this thread of the law-and-order fascists arrogantly blaming the victim. Let's point out Gardner had previously been arrested on allegations of selling loose cigarettes and resisting arrest, and it had been handled without killing the suspect. There is no excuse for any policeman to jump on a nonviolent offender and apply a choke hold, period. There is no excuse for the cop to continue the hold even after the victim protested that he couldn't breathe; there is no excuse for his similarly unprofessional colleagues to stand by and not intervene. The trust in the police is undermined by those who violate the public trust and act disproportionately to the circumstances. What I saw on video is morally unjustifiable abuse of authority and excessive force, period. It reflects poor professional candidate selection, training and supervision.
Even Obama finds his policies hard to swallow...
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall |
Luciano Pavarotti, "Ave Maria"