
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Miscellany: 3/19/14

Quote of the Day
Murphy's First Law:
Nothing is as easy
as it looks.

Entertainment and Public Choice Theory

Facebook Corner

(Illinois Policy Institute). Low-performing schools aren’t a Chicago-only phenomenon – the city is home to only 45% of the state’s lowest-performing elementary schools and high schools. More than half of the state’s lowest-performing schools are outside of the city’s borders.
Replace the flat tax with the fair tax and Illinois will not only be able to pay it's bills it will be able to live up to it's state constitutional obligation to fund public schools properly. We'll have better schools and the state won't be broke anymore.
The only "fair" tax is a flat tax that doesn't punish you at the margin. When you raise the price of anything, you get less of it; that's Econ 101. As far as I'm concerned, corrupt political promises to crony union supporter have no protections beyond what your corrupt leaders actually invested; expecting future taxpayers to pay off the bills run up by Ponzi schemer politicians is someone whom is in a state of denial. The corrupt union leadership looked the other way as their bought-and-paid-for politicians failed to kick in adequate funding.

(Illinois Policy Institute). The Illinois establishment is out of touch and out of ideas. The question now is: Are Illinoisans mad enough to do something about it?
What we see in Illinois and much of America has been a living experiment in failed interventionist policies and nothing to show for it except for the same old same old excuses and billions in unpaid-for promises to crony political supporters... If we had just thrown in a little more good money after bad (out of other people's wallets, of course), those hapless kids could be following Barry's example into Columbia and Harvard.. What Illinois needs is a moratorium on new bills, a government that lives within its means, a more competitive, streamlined tax and regulatory business environment, and feasible caps on individual benefit outflows, including any pension benefits.

(Cato Institute). "Had the U.S. been so foolish as to bring Ukraine into NATO Washington would have a treaty responsibility to start World War III. Today’s game of geopolitical chicken might have a nuclear end."
Once again, Cato Institute provides a necessary voice of reason against the tide of irrational neo-con rants. For those who can't understand how foreign policy fits into "individual liberty, limited government and free markets", government competes with the private sector for resources, and we spend far more than the next several countries together, much more than we need to meet the threats of invasion from Mexico or Canada. What part of losing over 8000 promising lives and over a trillion dollars we don't have in dubious Gulf Region mission is difficult to understand? What about arbitrary interventions in international markets (e.g., economic sanctions, embargoes, etc.), which are de facto acts of economic warfare?

We cannot be held hostage by morally hazardous alliances and the unpredictable, risky moves by allied leaders; what exactly do we get from these allies in return? To underwrite their own defense bills? Their help against a penetrating invasion from Canada?

There's a reason why our founding fathers debated the very wisdom of having a standing army and one of our greatest generals and a President himself warned against the military-industrial complex.

The salient issue here is the principal went beyond the classroom and was dictating rules over other conversations on campus, which obstructed children's attempts to converse in a fashion comfortable to them. Kids can pick up English very quickly; I know--my first language was French, and I went to an English-speaking kindergarten. There is absolutely nothing wrong (and much to admire of) with kids that can speak multiple languages, and educators should be ashamed of themselves for intimidating kids from communicating in a way totally natural for them. We should never forget we are a melting pot of immigrants. Celebrate the true diversity of fellow Americans....

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Michael Ramirez and Townhall
Musical Interlude: My iPod Shuffle Series

Peter Frampton, "I Can't Stand It No More"