
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Miscellany: 3/06/14

Quote of the Day
All our wanting comes from needs, 
thus we continiously suffer. 
The intellect teaches free will, 
free from suffering.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Pro-Liberty Thought of the Day

Bill de Blasio's War on Education Choice:
Putting Petty Politics Over the Futures of Children

What is it about New York that generates such repulsive politicians? How can I possibly count them all? There hasn't been a decent New Yorker politico since Jack Kemp and Rudy Giuliani; just in recent memory, we've had Spitzer, Weiner, Chris Lee, Rangel, Andrew Cuomo, and Hillary Clinton, the latter two winning nominations for this year's mock award. I intensely loathe this old school state of denial demagogue; I would rather have seen the Hot Dog win than this reactionary "progressive" paying off his crony unionist supporters at the expense of young children's future...

Facebook Corner

(Reason Magazine). What’s most worrisome is not what Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing in Crimea and threatening to do in eastern ‪#‎Ukraine‬. Not that Putin’s actions are good or justified—they are neither. What’s most worrisome are the actions of the U.S. government, which could aggravate the conflict.
What is this pro Russia/ anti American crap?? We do not have "regimes" is this country. This is where libertarianism fails: you are so hot to be isolationist you lose all perspectives
The person who lost all perspective is the guy whom claimed to have had the judgment to oppose involvement in Iraq but since his first election more than doubled the casualities in Afghanistan, approves kill lists for unconstitutional drone attacks in countries without declared war and has wanted to meddle in Libya, Syria, with or without Congressional approval. "Isolationist"? Hardly. But we are simply realistic about our limitations and all too aware that wars are always underestimated. For example, did over 8,000 American dead and spending over $1T of money we don't have make us better off/safer in the aftermath of 9/11 and 3000 victims?

(Reason Magazine). Do gay couples have a right to make a photographer shoot their wedding? Maybe we should ask if *anybody* has a right to make a photographer shoot a wedding?
(Responding to some "progressive" predictable comments). I don't feel the need to repeat Kinsella's critique debunking the nonsensical "progressive"/left-libertarian myths of corporate privilege--never mind the fact that photographers and bakers hardly benefit from these privileges, and liability insurance is available from the private sector. The State has no moral authority to regulate voluntary transactions; for example, can I be sanctioned for not selling seasonal fruit during winter? If I'm a grocer, can I be sanctioned for not carrying fresh fruit at all? The free market works; customers may turn to other grocers to buy desired fruits and one-stop shop. As for "separate but equal", the issue had to do with government-sponsored discriminatory policies. Nobody is talking about prohibiting businesses from servicing "gay marriages"; what we are talking about is a minority using corrupt State force to compel transactions, which is a form of slavery.

(Illinois Policy Institute). Illinois is sitting on $7.6 billion in unpaid bills. Madigan wants Illinois taxpayers to spend $100M for Obama library. 
 How fitting: Obama will probably leave office with over $7.6 trillion in unpaid bills...

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Bob Gorrell and Townhall
Musical Interlude: My iPod Shuffle Series

Seal, "Kiss From a Rose"