
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Miscellany: 3/18/14

Quote of the Day
All big things in this world are done by 
people who are naive 
and have an idea 
that is obviously impossible.
Dr. Frank Richards

I Smell the Need for a Change in Washington....

A Fair and Balanced Judge

Talking About My Generation

Facebook Corner

(Cato Institute). "A smaller army will have less ability to occupy another state that resists, like Syria, Iran or Pakistan. Given our recent experience with such wars, that is a benefit. If these cuts make us less likely to launch such military adventures, then we should cut more."
Wow, I've never seen a Cato piece attract so many neo-con readers... Anyone unaware of the tremendous, unsustainable cost in blood and treasure our international meddling has cost us is not paying attention. We celebrate our freedom and values through win-win trade, not by casualties resulting from the unnecessary wars of meddling politicians disingenuously hiding behind flags and stirring military marches. We do not have the resources or the moral authority to micromanage the rest of the world's problems, when we have so many more pressing problems at home, with an unprecedented debt and vast entitlement spending; the "Land of the Free" imprisons more people than any other advanced nation. Stop listening to crackpot conspiracy theories; I promise you if we start minding our own business, the rest of the world will muddle through. Let not one more American family unnecessarily lose a son because of some demagogue's hubris.

(Libertarian Republic). Millionaire gay couple is suing to force a church to hold their wedding
Using the legal monopoly to impose one's own views on others lacks any moral authority. They are millionaires; let them create their own gay religion and construct their own Phallic Cathedral...

Via Catholic Libertarians
Can't you just hear a modern-day Scrooge: "A contribution for a charity hospital? Is there no Medicaid, SCHIP, Medicare, BarryObamaCare? Guaranteed issue and community rating? Don't we have laws saying hospitals must admit, without demonstrated ability to pay? Haven't my taxes paid my fair share of subsidies for these?"

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My iPod Shuffle Series

Johnny Cash, "Hurt"