A word too much always defeats its purpose.
Arthur Schopenhauer
The Political Demise of Barry Obama
No More Road to Kick the Can Down
This is a good follow-up to my closing paragraph in yesterday's political discussion. I admire Stossel's restraint in dealing with a pedestrian clueless "progressive" parasite; me, I don't suffer fools gladly. The Baby Boomer tsunami is here.
Facebook Corner
(Cato Institute). "Anyone believing that the United States will lead a grand alliance parade to counter Russian aggression in Ukraine will soon find that this country is marching alone."
This is a European regional issue. All that Obama and Kerry will accomplish with their strident rhetoric and empty threats is a further loss of credibility. Haven't we had our fill of coalitions of the willing?
(Tom Woods). Judge Andrew Napolitano was right last night about the enforcement of the fugitive slave law during the war, and the alleged experts were wrong. Support the Judge!
Let's face it: Judge Napolitano is on Fox cable, the arch-nemesis of all things "progressive"; he's an intelligent man and knew that Stewart would ambush him in some manner. The judge has also targeted other "progressive" heroes like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. All of us who have been professors at one time or the other are used to "stump the professor" and related nonsense. (Bill O'Reilly sees it when he goes on "The View" and has 3 or 4 people ranting at him simultaneously.) Does anyone seriously believe that Stewart would invite Napolitano to give a guest lecture on a comedy program? I do think that the 3 professors should not have let themselves be used as comedy props for Stewart's amusement and it does not reflect favorably on their professionalism and gravitas. The best thing one can do under these circumstances is to maintain one's dignity and composure; who looks more competent--a serene judge or some fool wearing a fake beard?
(Tom Woods). Sarah Elise Woods just entered the world! Early, so a little tiny: just 5 lbs, 6 oz, 17.5 inches. I am so proud of Heather, my wife, who endured a really tough pregnancy like a champ. About to inform Sarah's godfather, the coolest one ever: Judge Andrew Napolitano.
This Godfather operates in the free markets, offers you can refuse.
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Courtesy of the original artist via Reason Magazine |
Well, Crimea was part of Russia for most of our country's history, so the analogy doesn't hold. But it doesn't justify Putin's pushing-on-a-string lawless unilateral intervention violating the terms of Ukrainian independence.
(Drudge Report). What do you think will happen? SHOWDOWN: KERRY GIVES RUSSIA MONDAY DEADLINE
Kerry's rhetoric has contributed to Putin's highest approval ratings in years. Empty threats and ultimatums are counter-productive, and undermine the Administration's credibility. Military and/or economic responses would be lose-lose; we need to do the exact opposite of what the Administration is doing and not exacerbate the situation.
(Independent Institute). Senior Fellow John Goodman: "Seniors seem to appreciate drug plans that feature low-priced, preferred pharmacy networks. Nearly six-in-10 Medicare Part D plans feature preferred pharmacy networks. These plans are among the most popular, covering approximately 14 million seniors nationwide. Seniors—and taxpayers—will pay higher prices for their medications if they lose this option."
What we need is less government micromanagement of the healthcare sector, which exacerbates sector inflation, and restoration of a functional free market. We need to see more senior citizen skin in the game and less unsustainable "all you care to use" health services bundling.
(Patriot Post). Air Force Academy Does It Again. Cadets at the AFA traditionally post personal information on their barrack doors. For some students, that includes some expressions of their faith. This week, a student was required to remove a Bible verse posted on his door's white board, because the head of an atheist organization issued a complaint. According to Fox News, Lt. Col. Brus Vidal said, “The whiteboards are for both official and personal use, but when a concern was raised we addressed it and the comment was taken down.” You may recall, Mark Alexander first reported (http://patriotpost.us/alexander/21333) the AFA's unlawful removal of the words “So Help Me God” from the Officer, Enlisted and Cadet oaths in its official AFA handbook. That violation of both civilian and military law is now the subject of an internal Air Force investigation prompted by a Freedom of Information Request to determine who altered the oaths. As for Cadet door white board, Alexander has an alternative suggestion: “IN GOD WE TRUST”
Since when does political correctness, intolerance of another person's beliefs, trump one's right of free expression? Personal religious speech does not constitute state-sponsored religion. If you don't like what someone posted on his door, move on--you don't use government force to censor free expression.
(Illinois Policy Institute). Senate President Cullerton: It’s wrong to focus on the unemployment rate here. Illinois' economy is in fact healthier than critics claim. Do you agree with Cullerton?
Says one of the architects of failed public policy in Illinois and the relevant spillover effects. Why do Illinois residents put up with such self-serving claptrap?
Charity Works--and Starts At a Young Age
For more on this story, see here.
No age limits for heroism:
Choose Life: Military Dads Meet Their Babies For the First Time
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of the original artist via Illinois Policy Institute |
Lonestar, "Amazed"