The greatest pleasure in life is doing
what people say you cannot do.
Walter Bagehot
Chart of the Day
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Courtesy of Cato Institute |
Two New Jackass of the Year Nominees
Alvin Holmes, a Democratic state representative in Alabama, said the following: "’99 per cent’ of white representatives who are against abortion would change their mind ‘if their daughter got pregnant by a black man’." I do not discuss specifics of friends and families in the blog, but my baby brother is the proud grandfather to at least 4 mixed-race/ethnicity children, and my favorite Houston couple's oldest daughter and son-in-law adopted an adorable toddler of color, and the proud grandmother has proudly posted pictures of her and her new grandson. I've befriended mixed-race couples at all 3 universities from which I've earned degrees, and I have personally dated women from differing backgrounds; I've condemned China's one-child policy and high proportions of black abortions in urban centers. I know any child of mine, regardless of appearance or disability, would be a gift from God, and I feel the same way about any child in my extended family. Smearing the opposition, calling them hypocritical racists, is unconscionable and unworthy of any elected official.
Hillary Clinton is making a strong bid to be my first repeat/multiple JOTY winner by comparing Putin's moves in Crimea to Hitler's aggression kicking off WWII. Let me start by noting that Crimea has been part of Russia for most of American history. Now either Clinton is grossly incompetent or she's contradicting her own diplomatic history. Comparing Putin to one of history's most notorious war criminals is, at best, unduly polemical and the diplomatic equivalent of a cheap shot. Don't get me wrong: I oppose what Putin did. But if she's sounding out her foreign policy in a prospective Clinton Presidency, I think once again she's significantly disqualifying herself as a serious candidate for higher office.
Choose Life
7-Month Harper Meets Soldier Daddy For the First Time (Home From Afghanistan)
Facebook Corner
(Cato Institute). See above: Obama is a classic tax-and-spend liberal.
shocking. but the GOP spend like its going out of fashion too
Just pure "progressive" rubbish. Almost every spending program, especially programs with escalating expenditures, like healthcare and entitlements, was passed by a Democratic-controlled legislature, and the last four balanced budgets over 40-odd years were only achieved under GOP-controlled Houses. Whereas it can be argued the GOP is less fiscally conservative when it comes to defense spending, let us recall the four bloodiest wars of the twentieth century were joined under Democratic Administrations. I am not a GOP shill; for example, I've criticized Bush for an unpaid for Medicare drug benefit, the abomination of intervention during the economic tsunami, deterioration of Fourth Amendment rights under the Patriot Act, the gross expansion of regulations on his watch, failed social security and immigration reform, and his negligence to keep Congressional spending in check through use of his veto power. But make no mistake: cutting spending always brings out parasitic special interests. And it's very difficult to do fiscal reform when the Senate and White House are controlled by spendthrift Democrats.
citizens united decision in my opinion was the worse thing to happen to politics
How utterly pathetic are "progressive" trolls when it comes to scapegoating Citizens United? It's like the same idiots going after the Koch Brothers, whom don't even rank on the top 50 contributors... Some 60-odd% of the budget goes to individual benefits, not to corporations. Let's not forget that it was a prohibition on political speech that resulted--correctly--in the Citizens United decision. The troll apparently skipped through the whole "no taxation without representation" bit when he was taught history by a public-union teacher--and let's not forget that unions were also allowed free political speech under Citizens United, and multiple unions are in the top 10 political funding lists.
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Nate Beeler and Townhall |
Survivor, "The Search is Over"