
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Post #4117 Social Media Edition


I've been assigned Top Fan status in the Milton Friedman and the Being Libertarian groups, in addition to earlier groups (Pro-Life Libertarians, Acton Institute, Cato Institute, and Feminists for Life). I would not be surprised to be awarded additional badges over the coming weeks.

[a Pro-Life Libertarian thread focusing on a cluster of child migrant deaths while in US custody. There were, in my opinion, the predictable restrictionist trolls, trying to blame parents of unaccompanied minors, etc. I had a separate argument with another Top Fan who argued the government did all it could do with a specific discussed young girl. I. don't know enough specifics beyond the fact she died about 6 months in custody. Unfortunately, kids do die even with loving, attentive parents. This other guy claimed they got her to the hospital ASAP; I'm more of a skeptic; I haven't found a good source, but I think during 6 months, they should have been able to assess and treat her condition.]

This thread is being spammed by xenophobes who don't have a clue that this is a libertarian thread. The right to travel is a human right. That anybody should die while in government custody (beyond, say, natural causes like old age) is an abomination.

[Here I'm responding I believe to an anti-Amash Trumpkin irate over Amash's conclusion that Trump should be impeached. He's arguing Amash will fall to s Trumpkin primary challenger next year.]

You're full of shit. The establishment recruited a self-funding millionaire to primary Amash in 2014, and Amash kicked his ass. Justin Amash is not a Nazi cake conscription like Gary Johnson. Johnson nevertheless won an unprecedented 3% in 2016. Amash may not win, but he could kill Trump's reelection hopes.

{I think PLL posted a quote from Planned Parenthood argued about 3/4 of Americans oppose repeal of Roe v Wade.]

I've misfiled my response but basically I pointed to Gallup which showed only about half of Americans supported unfettered abortion, and about half of Americans consider themselves pro-life. I think I pointed unalienable rights are not decided by tyranny of the majority.

[I think another PLL thread featured a pro-abort tweet about pro-lifers needing ro MYOB.]

To quote Marley from "A Christmas Carol": "Mankind was my business".

[PLL quoted Sarwick, chair of the Libertarian Party saying pro-lifers needed to stop persecuting and prosecuting women choosing abortion, an absurd strawman.]

This would be enough for me to leave the Libertarian Party except Maryland recently informed me they no longer recognize my LP registration.

[This was a thread over Trump reportedly preparing to pardon certain American soldiers convicted of war crimes.]

 I consider abuse of pardon authority to be an impeachable act. Trump pardoning war criminals is a God-awful mixed message to be sending the troops. I don't know who he's hoping to impress. "Gee, those guys who pissed on dead Muslim bodies are getting treated so unfairly."

[This was a thread involving a pro-abort referencing female "reproductive rights", a euphemism for abortion, probably the ritual claim no others have a right to an opinion, etc.]

There are alternatives to killing a preborn child, including adoption. The woman has alternatives to unprotected sex, including the option to refuse intimacy.

But more directly, the same woman would not trust a rapist exercising his reproductive rights or other actions violating the non-aggression principle.

[This was based on a meme contrasting assault weapons to abortion. A predictable pro-abort tactic is to claim pro-life conservatives are hypocritical, e.g., if they don't promote gun control policies. This is one of my classic ad libs, which attracted a number of likes.]

Personally I consider D & C surgical tools assault weapons

[This was a thread focusing on Trump's claim of no obstruction of justice, perhaps on Amash's conclusion otherwise.]

Trump is a corrupt thin-skinned son of a bitch. Trump has no principles beyond self-promotion. Everyone in the world knows the SOB abused the office trying to shut down an investigation in which we had a vested interest. Whether or not Trump ended up firing Mueller is beside the point; his own lawyer says that Trump ordered him to do it.Trump is not "innocent" because his lawyer refused to carry out an illegal order.


If others aren't aware, Justin Amash is one of the few libertarians in Congress. Trump's whole act is that he is above the rule of law. Screw Trump!

[Here I'm dealing with a likely Trumpkin defense that although he may have wanted to fire Mueller, Mueller was able to complete his investigation, a likely impeachment defense. But intent is itself criminal. For example, just because a criminal's bomb doesn't go off doesn't vindicate his actions.]

Trump's threats to the Mueller investigation are a matter of public record, enough for Congress to consider shielding Mueller. The fact that Trump is playing word games with McGahn makes it clear MxGahn's allegation of being ordered to fire Mueller is credible. Whether Trump ultimately did not fire Mueller doesn't mitigate the crime of intent.

[separate comment]

Amash is spot on. The fact of the matter is that Trump sought to control an investigation in which he had a vested interest. This is exactly what Nixon tried to do. Nixon did not authorize the Watergate break-in/ Trump clearly tried to do something which contradicted the rule of law; his threat to Mueller was serious enough for Congress to consider mechanisms to protect Mueller. This is a matter of fact.

[This is from a group called something like "don't blame capitalists for socialism's failures". I started a mini-kerfuffle of aorta by responding drug testing companies profit by mandatory testing of welfare recipients. I chose not to respond to trolls playing annoying word games, e.g., my use of the term "crony capitalist".]

I'm sure crony capitalist drug testing companies love this idea.

[This was a thread on people starving under socialism. I'm making the point that the socialist elite do manage to eat. In my response below, I attached a photo of Venezuela's portly Maduro scarfing down a stuffed tortilla.]

Well, if you are a party leader you can eat, even if you don't own any pets.

[Here I'm responding to a pro-abort libertarian meme basically mocking no rape exception to abortion restrictions.]

Let's rephrase from polemical bullshit: a baby should be executed for the sins of her father. So much for the unalienable right of life and the non-aggression principle.

[This is a Facebook excerpt I came across (not my own content) which I found profoundly moving, a mother who chose not to abort her rapist's child.]

I have a 4 year old son.
He giggles in his sleep.
He plays with Tupperware in the bathtub.
He picks me bouquets of dandelions and crab grass.
He pronounces hospital "hostable".
He tells me how much he misses me when I walk to the mailbox without him.
He was conceived in rape .

One of those things is not something you would know just by spending time with him.
One of those things doesn't matter at all.

Not to us anyway.
Not to him.

My son, who this week in the news and all over social media I've seen branded as "rapist's child", "monster's seed", "devil spawn", "rape baby" and "carrying the evil gene", doesn't know that his existence is polarizing. He's not aware that the President of his country believes in protecting the lives of unborn children...but not children like him.

People are so quick to throw out numbers, statistics, percentages. Less than 1%. That's what they say. Less than 1% percent of abortions are due to rape.
Here's another fact. I'm looking at a less than 1% right now. He holds 100% of my heart.

Babies are conceived in loveless marriages, through infidelity, on prom night in the backseats of family minivans. The "how" doesn't make them less deserving of protection. The intrinsic value of human life is not dependant on circumstances. If life matters- life matters.

This isn't about choice.
This is about recognizing the humanity of all unborn children.
Honoring life as sacred without moral relativism or ethical inconsistencies.
Without exceptions.
No compromise.

My 4 year old son..
His hands are always sticky.
He loves dinosaurs and superheroes.
His favorite thing to eat is toast.
He gives the best hugs.
He thinks knock knock jokes are hilarious.
He was conceived in rape.

One of those things doesn't matter.
One of those things doesn't matter at all.

-Jennifer Christie
