[ad lib to a Bernie Sanders pseudo-tweet suggesting vasectomies for 13-year-ole boys]
It's bad enough children get sentenced to public school reeducation camps
[A Cato Institute thread basically arguing Trump visa policies basically hurt foreign immigration]
I think every Cato Institute immigration thread attracts the xenophobes out of the woodwork. There are numerous other policies where Trump goes against legal immigration, like his opposition to the lottery for including opportunities from countries without existing economically illiterate quotas. Not to mention Trumpkin political whores like Cotton and Perdue have introduced legislation to halve the number of legal immigrants. https://reason.com/.../republican-senators-introduce.../
[This is an ad lib to actress A. Milano arguing a sex strike in protest of more restrictive state abortion laws]
It's not like I enjoy an active sex life to begin with. How would I get less than nothing?
[In response to Sanders and AOC wanting to cap credit card rates at 15%]
Price controls never work. You can't force businesses to offer below-cost rates to poor credit risks.
[Some Trumpkin politician got photographed showing his socks bearing a Trump image]
There's a lot to be said for stomping on Trump's face.
[A Pro-Libertarian thread posed questions on Alabama's new restrictive abortion law]
- Do you support punishing abortion doctors?
Yes, but I favor a nuanced approach based on context. Gosnell, for instance, should be severely sanctioned. For others, I would consider suspending a medical license.
- Should other states do the same?
Yes. Doctors who kill babies violate the terms of their medical license.
- Will this force SCOTUS to review Roe v Wade?
You would hope that SCOTUS would reinstate traditional police powers to the states. But I suspect that SCOTUS will be unwilling to overturn the Roe v Wade precedent without public consensus.
[Another abortion thread/]
The Constitution is based on recognition of the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and property. Abortion is an abomination that denies due process to the preborn child.
[This is off a thread focusing on Cotton, maybe focusing on neo-con interventionist policies, say against Iran.]
I don't think there is a single GOP senator who pisses me off more than Cotton. He is also one of those Trumpkins wanting to cut legal immigration. Most of us pro-liberty folks also oppose economic sanctions as acts of war.
[This is off a thread on Cherokee Lizzie ranting against Fox News.]
I have to admit I have little patience with the Trump Propaganda Network, aka Fox News. One-sided pervasive pro-tariff and anti-immigrant coverage tries my patience.
My issue with Warren is this predictable "racist" charge and her trite objections which really haven't changed since Obama's notorious feud with Fox News. Not to mention it takes chutzpah for a leftist given the pervasive Russia collusion nonsense to talk about conspiracy kooks.
[A Pro-Life Libertarian thread which seems to feature a photo of Ron Paul, suggesting that government is exercising arbitrary policies in dealing with undocumented aliens]
I'm an open borders libertarian. You can't believe in constructs like open trade and free travel among states and at the same time accept Big ICE.
![]() |
Ron Paul on Abortion |
I have a couple of Native Americans (different tribes) in my paternal family tree. The first I heard about it is when my Mom said I inherited my high cheekbones from my Cherokee great-grandmother (I never met). But the preponderance of my ancestry is French-Canadian.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 12, 2019
Professionally I've met two Native Americans, one an MIS professor at the University of Oklahoma, the other an IT manager at a sugar producer in east Los Angeles. Very nice, highly competent gentlemen.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 12, 2019
Political whores Nadler and Cherokee Lizzie introduce the unpaid-for morally hazardous College Student Deadbeat Enabler Act (as if the unsustainable $1.5T college tuition bubble at taxpayer expense isn't enough. https://t.co/XL11Vi1daa— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 12, 2019
Trump has disingenuously cited false grounds (national security) to "justify" economically illiterate protectionist policies which hurt American consumers and businesses. Trump's tariffs are immoral, corrupt, and incompetent, not supported by any competent economist. https://t.co/LegDG07luO— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 12, 2019
What exactly is the point of Alyssa Milano's sex strike? Is she looking for higher compensation and job security?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 13, 2019
Trump seems to be a special kind of stupid when it comes to who pays for what:— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 13, 2019
-- recall Mexico would pay for his wall
-- he claimed Friday that China, not importers, pays US tariffs.https://t.co/n8VSvdqjwE
Imagine Nye's gimmicks if he was hyping the population bomb... "Bill Nye"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 13, 2019
Trump is hyping that he is negotiating from a position of "strength" with China. This is delusional hubris. He is playing Russian roulette with the global economy. Do you think China may just play the currency devaluation card if Trump continues misplaying his hand?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 13, 2019
There are legitimate reasons to demand Graham's resignation, especially his neocon intervention policies, not this politicized bullshit. #LindseyGrahamResign— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 14, 2019
We need to end the anti-scientific jury sweepstakes where unconscionable plaintiffs corruptly seek businesses with deep pockets, like recent scientifically illiterate judgments against Bayer/Monsanto Roundup. https://t.co/CMv5VrutfF— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 14, 2019
You're confused. Former Democrat contributor to Clinton and Obama, Donald Trump, is the real RINO.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 15, 2019
Obama's meddling with Libya was unconstitutional. Point goes to Romney.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 15, 2019
Romney is an American patriot. A political partisan has no place on the federal bench. Yet another corrupt, un-American Trump decision.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 15, 2019
Preborn children have the same natural rights. Yet the morally corrupt, hypocritical ideologues refuse the same rights afforded to the prematurely born. Thank God some legislators recognize the primary of all rights, not some unfettered right to murder children. "Alabama Senate"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 15, 2019
It is impossible to rationalize legalized kidnapping of immigrant children. How can alleged pro-family conservatives sleep at night? https://t.co/wMSqIzetGb— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 15, 2019
This is Soft Rock America.. Although De Blasio would prefer one Big Green Apple, this tune goes out to him, because 22 is not enough (and you thought Sanders had trouble with 23 different deodorants) https://t.co/owbinYVImD "De Blasio"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
This is Soft Rock America. This tune goes out to the Dem 2020 POTUS pool worried about de Blasio's imminent entry into the race: https://t.co/V36s858o21— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Gee, it's almost enough to have me rejoin the GOP. I didn't think they had delivered on these necessary reforms.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
if there was ever an oxymoron hashtag, it's this one. There is no moral justification for murdering a preborn child--not for a mother or a physician. #AbortionRights— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Trump's alleged comprehensive immigration plan is dead on arrival. First, abandoning family-based immigration is immoral and inconsistent with the GOP social conservative base. Second, we need to abandon the corrupt, economic illiterate quota system and legalize temp workers.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
I oppose federal bailouts for farmers who suffer the consequences from Trump's unprovoked tariff war with China and relevant retaliatory tariffs. Farm states supported Trump, and elections have consequences. Trump has to accept the blowback for his economically illiterate policy.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Is Tyler Cowen correct? Do Trump's tariffs hurt the Chinese economy (as well as American consumers)? Yes. Chinese firms already operate on razor-thin margins and can't cut prices to defend market share. And the Chinese already face Asian competition.https://t.co/irTQfjtWQz— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Napolitano: Trump has been abandoning separation of powers Madison crafted | https://t.co/kGk3qjx0eR— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Trump has violated the Constitution by:
- redirecting defense dollars to unauthorized Southern wall building
- using troops for domestic law enforcement
- unauthorized tariffs
I'm still waiting for Trump and Congress to drastically reduce the $1.9T annual regulatory choke hold on American business.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Notice how all these Republicans talk about legal immigrants taking 15 or more years vs. undocumented aliens, but they have no solution to open quotas to resolve queues? Their "solution": a zero-sum approach at the expense of family immigration.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
#IRefuseToApologizeFor being a voice for preborn children, our future.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
#IRefuseToApologizeFor maintaining high standards and expectations in academia, professional life, and personal life.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
#IRefuseToApologizeFor calling politicians political whores.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Protecting (preborn) life is the only legitimate purpose of government. You seem to be a scientific illiterate. The vast majority of pregnancies occur through voluntary sexual activity; most rapes are not intended to impregnate. They are more acts of violence. Educate yourself.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
This is Soft Rock America. Steve Bullock has joined the crowded 2020 Dem field. Cato Institute points out the former Montana governor sucked on tax policy. This song goes out to Democrat voters: https://t.co/YrQz4ibmvl— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
"A CNBC analysis of Treasury Department data ranks the combined $72 billion in tariff revenue as one of the biggest tax hikes since 1993. "— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
The next time Trump boasts of his tax cut, know that unlike the tax cut, Trump's tariff hikes did not pass Congress.
Trump's one-sided "reform" doesn't begin to address the broken-down immigration system, with economically illiterate/unjustifiable/unfair quota system, decade-long queues and effectively no temporary worker program.His attack on family migrants is un-American#ImmigrationReform— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Boeing's Bank, Ex-Im, which basically subsidizes risk at taxpayer expense of foreign purchases of favored crony capitalist goods, is like a zombie who refuses to die. Yet only a minority of Senate Republicans have taken a stand against corporate welfare. https://t.co/smnANS4xWG— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
We need to privatize public housing. #KeepFamiliesTogether— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 16, 2019
Public policy should reflect pro-family values. We need to avoid unintended consequences like welfare policies which encouraged single-parent black urban households. #KeepFamiliesTogether— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 17, 2019
It doesn't surprise me that Ms. Lahren once again is wrong on public policy. It's a betrayal to the unalienable rights of the preborn. "Tomi Lahren"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 17, 2019
I don't know who designed Facebook's algorithms, but whatever suggested I join the Sean Hannity fan club group obviously hasn't read any of my many anti-Hannity tweets.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 17, 2019
Half the victims of elective abortions are beautiful baby girls. Over 23 million baby girls over the last 50 years, mostly in China and India, have been killed in culturally-motivated sex-selective abortion. If you can rationalize killing baby girls, your ethics are bullshit.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 17, 2019
Trump is beginning to lose his minions. Here's an example of one who voted for Trump because (1) Trump was not Clinton and (2) he believed Trump was America First in foreign policy. Trump's shtick (the tweets, the nicknames, the boasts) is wearing thin. https://t.co/xYFzxiMtYd— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 17, 2019
"Treason". You keep using that word. It does not mean what you think it means.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 17, 2019
The secret to Trump's success is that he wasn't a politician and he ran against Hillary Clinton in a change election year. Russia had ZERO impact on the election.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 17, 2019
American politics is a kabuki dance.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 17, 2019
- Both parties are spendthrift, refuse to cut unsustainable expenses.
- Both parties meddle in international affairs.
- Both parties embrace Big Government, just in different domains.
"American Politics"