
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Post #4100 M: Tom Wood on crony capitalism, are we Rome, Lysander Spooner

Quote of the Day

We know what we are, 
but know not what we may be.
William Shakespeare  

Tom Woods on Crony Capitalism

Tom Woods on Are We Like Rome

T his probably isn't the discussion you might expect, e.g., the Democrats running bread and circuses from the public treasury, Krugman was upset at GOP state legislatures stripping conferred powers in the governor's office in NC. The real story of the loss of the Roman republic was the growth of power in the emperor--not the Senate scaling it back. Krugman's issue is not with the concept of the concentration of imperial power but it's partisan exercise

I want to point out a fascinating analogy Woods makes on the electoral college issue, comparing it to the World Series, runs to votes comparison, the point being if cumulative runs were the objective, managers would put in star relievers to cap blowouts. Tom Woods didn't mention the 1960 World Series, won by the Pirates over the Yankees 4 -3. games The Pirates won by 1-3 runs in their 4 victories. The Yankees won their 3 games 16-3, 10-0, 12-0, The Yankees won the run derby by a lopsided margin.

Tom Woods on Lysander Spooner

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Natalie Cole, "Inseparable"