
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Post #3876 M: Malthus Was Wrong; Crowder On Canada's Single-Payer System

Quote of the Day

Maturity begins 
when we're content to feel we're right about something, 
without feeling the necessity to prove someone else is wrong.
Sydney J. Harris  

My Greatest Hits: Nov 2018

Well, mixed blessings over the past month; my average readership seems to have improved, although it might be a seasonality thing (i.e., national election coverage).  The daily stats struggle to find double-digit readers for the most recent post.

Malthus Was Wrong

On Brexit and British Politics

A Canadian Looks At Socialized Medicine In His Country

As economically illiterate buffoons like Bernie Sanders push for single-payer reform his own home state rejected as economically unsustainable, this dated clip is still relevant. If you are in nationalized health care, make sure to schedule your illness to more convenient times (like weekdays) for the bureaucracy.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Tom Stiglich via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists: The Beatles As Solo Artists

John Lennon, "Imagine". My favorite Lennon song, a timeless ballad and arguably his signature hit, a second #3. It's hard to reimagine the song without John's haunting melody and superb vocals, but the inner producer in me has me tweaking lyrics and arrangement. For example, I don't dislike religion and property--just intolerance and envy.