Much of my success has been due to keeping my mouth shut.
J. Ogden Armour
DEAD WRONG: What You've Been Taught About Western Civilization Culpability
Conservatives Will Fight On Post-Midterms
I don't sample much from Heritage anymore, particularly given their immigration-restrictionist agenda, but they tend to be better on other issues.Ron Paul On Whether Trump Will Benefit From Shared Blame With Dems
Some Post-Election Tweets
I'm surprised by the timing, but not the fact that Trump fired AG Jeff Sessions. Sessions was bad on liberty issues including the drug war, immigration and civil asset forfeiture, so I'm not sorry to see him go. But we know that's not why Sessions was fired.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 8, 2018
Fox News continues to be Trump's propaganda unit. It's so predictable: when Trump loses the House, Fox points out Clinton, Bush, and Obama also lost control of the House in mid-terms. Misleading: in 2002, Bush's first midterm, the GOP gained seats in both chambers of Congress.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 8, 2018
Trump's hype grows old very fast. He is arguing the reason that the GOP lost the House is because losing Republicans weren't Trumpkin enough. Nope: in fact moderate GOP governors/candidates (MD, MA, VT, NH, CT) did well, while Trump's midwest coalition (WI, MI, PA) went down.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 8, 2018
Trump is taking credit for yesterday's Senate takeaways in FL, MO, IN, and ND. In fact, the latter 3 were red state seats that were blown in 2012. And Scott was a popular 2-term governor whose wins predated the Age of Trump.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 8, 2018
Fox News, the propaganda unit of Trump, is absurdly trying to credit Trump's pep rallies for the GOP's gain in the Senate yesterday. In fact, 3 of Trump's most prominently backed candidates, gubernatorial (KS) and Senate (MT, WV), went down in flames.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 8, 2018
Pelosi continues to be an economically illiterate moron. She vows that her new House majority will rein in drug prices. In fact, economic history teaches us price controls always fail; artificially low prices result in shortages. What we need is more competition, not government.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 8, 2018
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Ken Catalino via Townhall |