Blessed is he who carries within himself a God, an ideal, and obeys it.
Louis Pasteur
I voted on my way to work this morning. This is the first time in a while I've had a paper ballot, which my Maryland precinct had me run through a scanner. (They initially had technical issues with their scanner which had maybe 16 voters waiting in line to feed their ballot.)My vote in deep blue Maryland was mostly a protest vote against "progressive" Democrats. I did vote for incumbent GOP Governor Hogan, but cast votes for other Libertarian Party candidates on the ballot.
In terms of my election eve predictions, the GOP blew past expectations in the Senate; I even tweeted that Tester seemed to have won a blowout victory, but it all depends where the remaining votes are with Rosendale pulling out front by 1 point with two-thirds of the vote and 4 takeaways (FL, ND, MO, IN) in the books already. Two GOP seats in tight races with the nominees in the lead (AZ, NV). Then there will be a runoff for the MS special election which should go GOP in 3 weeks. So potentially 56 GOP seats assuming the GOP candidates hold onto their leads. This was way above projections. [Late Fox news suggesting that Clark County NV is going big for the Dem, so that seat may flip.]
As I post, Democrats have won 209 seats with 25 pickups to date, 9 away from control. So far no pickups from the Dems in a season
Election Tweets
No, voting doesn't matter. Neither party gives a damn about fiscal responsibility; they run up massive debt and unfunded liabilities as if it's moral to enslave future generations to pay off spending they never benefited from. #VotingMatters— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 6, 2018
I gather you're the son of a bitch who voted to keep victims from defending themselves, a violation of their natural rights.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 6, 2018
No, it's not. An individual's vote is statistically insignificant, and political whores act in their own interests.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 6, 2018
I voted for fiscal responsibility and liberty. In other words, I didn't vote for any Dem political whores and few Republican ones. #IVoted— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 6, 2018
It doesn't look like Taylor Swift's endorsement of former TN Governor Bredesen helped as Congressman Blackburn easily won. Ask me if I'm sad when some "progressive" entertainer's divisive meddling backfires.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 7, 2018
It looked like Manchin defeated Trump's choice, Morrissy to win reelection. Trump thought that his lopsided WV victory make him kingmaker. It looks like another key target, Tester, will also pull it out. Ask me I'm sad about Trump facing the reality of his lack of coattails.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 7, 2018
It looks like 3 Senate seats the GOP completely blew in 2012 (MO, ND and IN) have been recaptured, and the Democrats' abominable personal attacks against Justice Kavanaugh may have played a role. Braun's win in IN was the most surprising given recent polls.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 7, 2018
I'm probably most despondent, although not surprised, that another corrupt Democrat regained the governor's mansion in Illinois. Illinois' Democrat legislature, led by corrupt party boss Madigan, have spent the government into the group. No US bailout of corrupt Illinois!— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 7, 2018
"On a brighter note, it looks like Florida rejected electing a socialist governor. Scott looks like he'll beat Nelson's reelection attempt, with 1% left to report and nearly a 1% lead, but the race hasn't been called.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 7, 2018
One of the least discussed Senate races is a "nonpartisan" Mississippi special election where if the winner doesn't score a majority, there's a runoff between the two finishers. I favored pro-liberty McDaniel, who won't place and probably split off incumbent Hyde-Smith's support.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 7, 2018
I'm happy to see anti-immigration KS gubernatorial candidate Trumpkin Kobach go down to defeat. Another example of Trump strongly backing a failed candidate.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 7, 2018
It's fairly clear the Democrats have recaptured the House after 8 years in exile; the only question is the nature and extent of their victory. As a libertarian, I don't mind split control of Congress. Will the Democrats overplay their hand with a partisan push to Trump's benefit?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 7, 2018
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Courtesy of Steve Kelley via Townhall |