A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein
Tweet of the Day
If you think that you experience long lines waiting at the DMV, just wait until you are ill and see the lines for government health care.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 7, 2017
Image of the Day. a statue of late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez was toppled by protestershttps://t.co/Gb61ZyFi2t— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 7, 2017
@CandyAppleRed05 What kind of a retard thinks people vote for "hate"? You just can't understand why Trump beat the most despised politician to run for POTUS— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 7, 2017
It's a shame that only Le Pen lost the French runoff 2-1. Many Trumpkins identified with Le Pen but fail to recognize Macron is a novice.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 7, 2017
The only good thing about the EU is its integrated market; the political union and its central bank are problems that Macron cannot resolve.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 7, 2017
The Russians colluded with Lincoln to win the 1860 election. #FakeCivilWarFacts— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 7, 2017
The only people worse than Trumpkins are the leftist "resistance". People voted for Trump for different reasons, mostly his outsider status.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 7, 2017
Seeing the GOP Congress wary of the preexisting health conditions issue makes me wonder why they are not aware of health status insurance.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 7, 2017
In essence, health status insurance is a market solution to cover the risk for catastrophic illness and cap out-of-pocket healthcare expense— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
Barack Obama is recipient of the Profile in Courage Award? Has someone redefined "courage" since Sen. JFK? #ProfileInCourageAward— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
First, they award Barack Obama a Nobel Peace Prize; now "Progressives" award him a Profile In Courage Award. Absurd! #ProfileInCourageAward— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
"Courage": You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means #ProfileInCourageAward— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
"Patriot" You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means. #SallyYatesIsAPatriot— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
Abbott has violated the conservative principle of Subsidiarity in his policy against sanctuary cities. "Greg Abbott"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
@carhode Capitallsm has done more to bring people out of poverty & raise their standard of living than you corrupt Government worshipers.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
@Lee_in_Iowa Only fools like you think religious liberty implies state-sponsored religion.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
QOTD: " Pope Francis appears to know about as much about economics as Prince Charles knows about lawn mower maintenance." Andrew Heaton— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2017
Image of the Day
Justin Amash and Why He Voted For Repeal & Replace
Justin Amash (via Facebook)
7 hrs ·
This is not the bill we promised the American people. For the past seven years, Republicans have run for Congress on a commitment to repeal Obamacare. But it is increasingly clear that a bill to repeal Obamacare will not come to the floor in this Congress or in the foreseeable future.
When Republican leaders first unveiled the American Health Care Act, a Democratic friend and colleague joked to me that the bill wasn’t a new health care proposal; it was plagiarism. He was right.
The AHCA repeals fewer than 10 percent of the provisions in the Affordable Care Act. It is an amendment to the ACA that deliberately maintains Obamacare’s framework. It reformulates but keeps tax credits to subsidize premiums. Instead of an individual mandate to purchase insurance, it mandates a premium surcharge of 30 percent for one year following a lapse of coverage. And the bill continues to preserve coverage for dependents up to age 26 and people with pre-existing conditions.
I want to emphasize that last point. The bill does not change the ACA’s federal requirements on guaranteed issue (prohibition on policy denial), essential health benefits (minimum coverage), or community rating (prohibition on pricing based on health status). In short, Obamacare’s pre-existing conditions provisions are retained.
The latest version of the AHCA does allow any state to seek a waiver from certain insurance mandates, but such waivers are limited in scope. Guaranteed issue cannot be waived. Nobody can be treated differently based on gender. And any person who has continuous coverage—no lapse for more than 62 days—cannot be charged more regardless of health status.
Consider what this means: Even in a state that waives as much as possible, a person with a pre-existing condition cannot be prevented from purchasing insurance at the same rate as a healthy person. The only requirement is that the person with the pre-existing condition get coverage—any insurer, any plan—within 62 days of losing any prior coverage.
If a person chooses not to get coverage within 62 days, then that person can be charged more (or less) based on health status for up to one year, but only (1) in lieu of the 30 percent penalty (see above), (2) if the person lives in a state that has established a program to assist individuals with pre-existing conditions, and (3) if that state has sought and obtained the relevant waiver. Here in Michigan, our Republican governor has already stated he won’t seek such a waiver, according to reports.
So why are both parties exaggerating the effects of this bill? For President Trump and congressional Republicans, the reason is obvious: They have long vowed to repeal (and replace) Obamacare, and their base expects them to get it done. For congressional Democrats, it’s an opportunity to scare and energize their base in anticipation of 2018. Neither side wants to present the AHCA for what it is—a more limited proposal to rework and reframe parts of the ACA, for better or for worse.
In March, when this bill was originally scheduled to come to the floor, it was certainly “for worse.” The previous version provided few clear advantages over the ACA, yet it haphazardly added provisions to modify essential health benefits without modifying community rating—placing the sickest and most vulnerable at greater risk.
Over the last month, several small but important changes were made to the bill. The current version abandons that fatally flawed approach to essential health benefits (though the new approach includes new flaws), incorporates an invisible risk sharing program, and permits limited state waivers. These changes may slightly bring down (or at least slow down the increase in) premiums for people who have seen rates go up. Even so, the AHCA becomes only marginally better than the ACA.
Many have questioned the process that led up to the vote on May 4. I have publicly expressed my disgust with it. The House again operated in top-down fashion rather than as a deliberative body that respects the diversity of its membership. But it’s important to acknowledge that the bulk of this bill (123 pages) was released on March 6. Only about 15 pages were added after late March. Members of Congress were given sufficient time to read and understand the entire bill.
While an earlier version of the AHCA included a CBO score, the types of changes made to the AHCA in more recent stages render an updated score highly speculative and practically meaningless. For that score to be useful, the Congressional Budget Office would have to effectively predict which states will seek waivers, which waivers they will seek, and when they will seek them. This complex analysis of the political processes and choices of every state is beyond anyone’s capability. I weighed the lack of an updated score accordingly.
When deciding whether to support a bill, I ask myself whether the bill improves upon existing law, not whether I would advocate for the policy or program if I were starting with a blank slate. In other words, the proper analysis is not whether it makes the law good but rather whether it makes the law better. In this case, I felt comfortable advancing the bill to the Senate as a marginal improvement to the ACA. The House has voted more than 30 times to amend (not just repeal) Obamacare since I’ve been in Congress, and I have supported much of that legislation, too, on the principle of incrementalism. If it advances liberty even a little (on net), then I’m a yes.
Nonetheless, the ACA will continue to drive up the cost of health insurance—while bolstering the largest insurance companies—and the modifications contained in the AHCA cannot save it. Many of the AHCA’s provisions are poorly conceived or improperly implemented. At best, it will make Obamacare less bad.
The Framers of the Constitution understood that federalism—the division of powers between the national and state governments—would maximize the happiness of Americans. As long as Washington dictates health insurance policy to the entire country, there will be massive tension and displeasure with the system. I’ve always said, and I will continue to say, we need to start over: Fully repeal Obamacare, let the people of each state choose their own approach, and work together in a nonpartisan manner.
The Politics of Star Wars
Facebook Corner
(Independent Institute). Ask a typical American how the United States got into World War II, and he will almost certainly tell you that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the Americans fought back.
Hmm, this says nothing about Japan invading China at the time, using U.S. Oil and steel to do so. The embargo of oil and steel to Japan was telling them, If you want to invade other nations you have to get your oil and steel somewhere else. We dont care from who, but not from us. All Japan had to do was stop their invasion of China and there would have been no excuse not to continue trading again.
Patently absurd. This is about a government restricting voluntary agreements between American suppliers and Japanese buyers, as if the US, with large-scale unemployment, had a legitimate role in restrictions to job-producing exports.
If the Empire of Japan did divert some resources to military use, it doesn't mean that we had a right to engage in a unilateral, unprovoked economic attack on Japan. The old saw goes: "when goods don't cross borders, soldiers will".
(60 Minutes). MOMENT OF THE WEEK: A family in crisis rethinks the president they chose.
That's the trouble in voting for political whores. Never mind that Trump wants to deport job-creating immigrants, who would have been welcome under our heritage until a century ago when a xenophobic Congress executed unprecedented restrictions. This man was a taxpayer who contributed to our economy, contrary to the propaganda of the anti-immigrants, who ignore our legacy of individual freedom.
Religious Liberty and the Little Sisters of the Poor
Choose Life: Welcome, Baby Sibling
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via Townhall |
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists
Amy Grant, "I Will Remember You"