Love is not about finding the right person,
but creating a right relationship.
It's not about how much love you have in the beginning
but how much love you build till the end.
Author unknown
Tweet of the Day
Peter Schiff points out the new healthcare bill has a morally hazardous low-cost buy-in penalty to get access to below-cost premiums.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
The buy-in gives younger, healthy people a lower-cost option to save for the penalty vs, insure, at the expense of policyholders, taxpayers.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
After America rejected Hillary Clinton taking 3 AM calls at the WH, Krauthammer thinks Mattis should take the calls. I think Trump tweeting.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
Polls suggest that Macron has a 20-point lead over Le Pen going into Sunday's runoff. Right-populist Le Pen hopes for a Trump-like finish.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
Cherokee Lizzie is Crazy Cow #SenWarrensIndianName— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
I'm not sure if 3 AM Trump is tired or confused. But then a rested Trump makes some incredibly bad unprincipled positions on trade, migrants— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
Russ Roberts pens a wonderful poem about the Invisible Hand in the context of buying and selling loaves of bread.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
The Democrats, Trump, and GOP moderates are all economic illiterates on preexisting health conditions like flood insurance after a dam break— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
If you don't insure, don't take care of yourself, and expect others to pay for most of your healthcare expenses, you are a parasite.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
There should be market mechanisms where people pay into a reserve against future catastrophic illnesses separate from bundled health service— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
A government-sponsored health care system must be measured against the criterion of the free market:does it expand options for the consumer?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
It is sheer hubris and denial of reality to believe that the political elite can design a system fashioned for 320M health care consumers.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
Bernie Sanders can't cope with with 23 brands of underarm deodorant or 18 makes of sneakers; how could he possibly cope with health care?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
@IsotopeC14 Corporations can't force you to buy--only government at the point of a gun. Corporations are voluntary associations. Stop the paranoia!— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
It's a Wasted Life #DisappointAFilm— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 5, 2017
My Favorite New Video Clip: Russ Roberts' "It's a Wonderful Loaf"
Busting Liberal Myths: Businesses "Pay Taxes"
Facebook Corner
(Pro-Life Libertarians). Amash voted "yes," while Massie and Walter Jones voted "no."
What say you?
I say he is a massive idiot, and a traitor. Ive always been sketchy of him and now i know why. Amash in this case, but both [Trump] in general. Makes no sense to not actually fix healthcare. this is obamacare-lite-lite
No one is saying this bill is a restoration of a free market in healthcare. But this legislation does devolve some authority back to the states, which is fully consistent with a pro-liberty perspective.
As for the OP's rant against Amash, I'll have no part of it. There is no better legislator in the Congress.
(National Review). "[Trump's] fathomless lack of interest in America’s path to the present and his limitless gullibility leave him susceptible to being blown about by gusts of factoids that cling like lint to a disorderly mind."
Actually, some historians (especially libertarian ones, like Tom Woods) dispute the inevitability of the Civil War. As DiLorenzo points out, most countries managed to outlaw the institution of slavery without a war. Lincoln himself made clear that he was willing to live with a slave-holding South. What he could not abide was secession. (Well, maybe not WV's secession from VA.)
Libertarians emphasize the voluntary nature of association, and this includes the right of secession. Only 1 in 7 in the South held slaves. The reason they fought was against Northern invaders, not for the institution of slavery. For many Southerners, slavery was protected by the government and also depressed local wages. Moreover, there were international boycotts against slave-produced cotton/goods. Moreover, an independent South could not depend on the North to return fugitive slaves, which would have made the costs of holding slaves higher.
Hence, many economists considered slavery unsustainable, even in an independent South. Just like the Northern states had largely abandoned slavery by the Civil War, similar factors would have been in effect in the South.
(Institue for Justice). Until last month, North Dakota could require a license to sell home baked cookies or cakes.But not anymore!
Don't gripe when some kid gets a cookie full of needles or cake made with rat poison. l'd never buy something where the facility was not inspected for sanitation, nor the product. This is an open invitation for some twisted person.
A health inspection from the local government, even if the health inspectors aren't corrupt or incompetent, is only reliable on the day it is done and limited by the nature and extent of the inspection process. And food safety rules are often arbitrary and dubious, e.g., bans of mite-rind cheese.
A vendor has every incentive to maintain food safety standards; he or she is liable for the effects of selling food. Look at the damages, e.g., to Chipolte's sales and profits after E. coli outbreaks. The vendor or industry, even without government, will look to reassure customers, just like public firms will hire accountants to attest to financial statements.
Homemade foods have been sold or shared at schools, dinner parties, potlucks, etc., without evidence of psychopaths out to spread illness or death through intentionally deadly food. This fearmongering by the OP is offensive and disingenuous; it's just protectionist claptrap.
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Mike Lester via Townhall |
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists
Amy Grant, "Ask Me"