
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Post #3201 M

Quote of the Day

It is always easier to believe than to deny. Our minds are naturally affirmative.
John Burroughs  

Tweet of the Day

Political Incorrectness Humor

DEAD WRONG: You "Help the Poor" By Trade Wars

Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

Facebook Corner

(lifeSite News). Jesus would hold women’s hands to support them during abortion: abortionist.
No, Jesus may have intervened against a mob stoning to death a woman who killed her preborn child, He may have forgiven her sin, but He would have told her, "Go and sin no more."

(Catholic Libertarians).This is commentary from myself, your friendly neighborhood page admin.
« Libertarianism, therefore, is simply the doctrine of free will and speaks nothing of one’s motive or intention. »
This (papal rhetoric) is the same garbage communitarians/collectivists have been pushing since the days of Herbert Spencer.

Let's for once talk about the wars and persecutions that have occurred on the watch of communitarians, like Pope Francis. Market (i.e., classical) liberals have NEVER been on the side of warmongers and authoritarians. Where is this "invasion" of libertarians taking place? What government? Are we talking about the US, where you can literally count the number of pro-liberty Congressmen on maybe one hand? Which has dropped out of every Top 10 of economic liberty indexes during the Obama regime? Where did we see major party Presidential candidates talk about scaling back Defense budgets and missions? Where did we hear them embrace pro-trade and pro-immigration standpoints? When did we hear them call for devolution of authority to the states and individuals? When did we hear a rebuttal of the upper 1% class warfare rhetoric, the Politics of Envy?

It's a bogeyman invented by communitarians; we have an intellectually pretentious pontiff who is trying to impose his failed Peronist ideology on Catholicism. He does not understand classical liberalism; he repeated the fraudulent social darwinism smears in his exhortation. He lacks the intellectual rigor of Pope Benedict; he's paraphrasing progressive claptrap.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Lisa Benson via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Amy Grant, "Hope Set High"