Behind an able man there are always other able men.
Chinese Proverb
Tweet of the Day
Congrats all! If you make $34K, you're in the world's 1% splains @brianmdoherty @reason
— Nick Gillespie (@nickgillespie) August 31, 2015
Fascism: the belief that the economically successful who sustain you through the markets owe you a debt.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 1, 2015
"The biggest thing we need to do is have a functioning immigration system, with a good work program." - Rand Paul.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 1, 2015
Hillary Clinton:"I did not have diplomatic relations through that email server." #sarcasm
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 1, 2015
Rubio is wrong about food subsidies (notably sugar) being a national security issue. New Zealand has an open market.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 1, 2015
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via Free State Project |
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via LFC |
Nanny of the Month Series Finale (Aug 2015)
Regulatory Empire Building
Facebook Corner
(National Review). You've got to love her candor.
Who is Ronda rousey anyhow never hear of her.
The world's best female fighter; who is Donnie Trump--never heard of him.
Love love love Ronda but don't care what she thinks about Trump. Trump makes better points than half the candidates other than Cruz and Carson. Ronda however is the baddest toughest most dominate fighter ever do I care what her politics? nope. I just want to see her fight.
Listen, retard, he's the moron who raised her name, and she pointedly responded. Trump is by far the most unqualified, ill-tempered, incompetent, ill-tempered, self-serving, corrupt, unprincipled right-fascist son of a bitch who has ever run for President, and anyone who supports him is a retard cultist.
One thing is for sure, Rhonda Rousey could kick the s41t out of every wienie on the staff of NatRev.
Not to mention the right-fascist demagogue Donald Trump.
Why not D.T. Ms. Rousey. Reagan was an actor and made one of the best President we ever had. The best in my lifetime. Go to the Marine Ball with the man that ask you.
I know great Presidents. I knew Ronald Reagan--he was a self-described libertarian-conservative. And you, Donald Trump, are no Ronald Reagan. Reagan, among other things, supported immigration reform and opposed class warfare tax hikes. There is only one candidate in this race who is worthy of a comparison with Ronald Reagan--Rand Paul.
(Pro-Life Libertarians). First he tells me I use the term Strawman too much, then he posts this.
Is there any way to correct this kind of bad logic?
What happens when firefighting is a Statist monopoly? Recall this incident from 2010 when the local firehouse let a man's house burn to the ground because he forgot to pay a $75 fee? Never mind the man offered to pay the fee--and more than that--on the spot, offered to cover all direct costs for putting out the fire. Never mind the fact that a fire put adjacent properties at risk. What free market company would refuse a la carte payment vs. a subscription plan for fire containing services? Only the State and bureaucratic inertia would allow this to happen...
(Huff Post). Rand Paul Calls Canada Border Wall Idea 'Pretty Dumb'
It's the world's longest international border. Rand Paul is right, as usual--and the only GOP candidate in the race who is treating the disease (bad public policy) vs. the symptoms of unauthorized entry: " the biggest thing we need to do is have a functioning immigration system, with a good work program".
(Peter Schiff). Donald Trump: Pat Buchanan’s Heir
Unlike a principled conservative like Buchanan, Trump is an unprincipled political opportunist, a billionaire trying to buy the Presidency by engaging in manipulative, phony right-populist rhetoric. He seems to be this year's version of Sarah Palin in drag, although Sarah is not a rude, thin-skinned asshole. He may be the dumbest man ever to run for President in my lifetime; he has openly admitted to buying political favors, and yet his gullible cultists want to put the fox in charge of the henhouse, think that the economically illiterate, ill-tempered demagogue knows how to fix the economy. Everything he stands for--anti-immigrant, the wealth tax, anti-trade--seems like Herbert Hoover redux. The authoritarian wannabe has no clue that the antidote to the status quo is to downsize government; the solution to the left-fascist Obama is not the right-fascist Trump.
No. Trump is the new improved Trump. He is about himself and America.
You are a gullible cultist. Trump is an ill-tempered, incompetent, politically corrupt, unqualified, petty, self-serving right-fascist.
He isn't dovish. And he is for free trade; the tariff retoric is just to get better deals with mercantilist countries.
They are referring to his rhetoric on Iraq. No, you're full of shit on trade--he specifically threatened a tariff on Ford's Mexico-produced vehicles, and his rhetoric is explicitly protectionist. You're in a state of denial and a rather gullible cultist.
He's head and shoulders above Buchanan ! No comparison at all !!
No, the SOB may be a better political tactitian and marketer, but he's pretty much of a mental pygmy. Take the flimsy defense of his immoral smear charge that Mexico was dumping prisoners across the border. He said unspecified people in Border Parol were telling him that. Yeah, they've been capturing people with prison release documents only Trump has access to, like the "real" Obama birth certificate (what a retard!). If you buy that bullshit, you are a delusional gullible cultist.
(Reason). An extremely predictable lesson in consequences.
And when their stores fail to operate at the necessary pace, they'll end up hiring again. It's not like the Waltons can't afford to pay their employees fair wages.
Once again, we aee an economically ignorant troll bringing up the left-fascist notion of "fair wages". It's isn't any of your business what WalMart pays its workers. Workers are paid a going rate, assuming productivity, that he or she brings to the business; that rate may in part reflect experience level, specialized skills, and/or education. For example, WalMart pays significantly higher for pharmacists (I've seen $55-72/hour). It can also vary by the overall labor market; e.g., during the recent Williston, ND shale oil boom, with unemployment rates under 3%, many positions were starting at over $17/hour--not because some local, state or federal political whore was pulling some number out of his ass.
(IPI), Belleville News-Democrat: "If you are a local barber, you make $44,480 on average. If you are a barber for the State of Illinois, you make $70,561.
If you are a local cook, you make $22,430. If you cook for the State of Illinois, you make $43,723.
If you are a local switchboard operator, you make $27,740. If you answer phones for the State of Illinois, you make $40,207.
On average, Illinois state employees make $11,433 more each year than those doing the same job in the private sector. Adjusted for cost of living, they are the highest paid state employees in the nation.
And they are asking for more."
Why is it wrong when they ask for more but it's ok when you ask for more? Are advocating that they make less? When was the last time you came to your employer asking for less? Where is your outrage for the cook who only makes $22000 a year? That's not a living wage for anyone! Especially an Illinois resident.
Fascist asshole. Why is it you're so economically illiterate? The fact of the matter is that wages in this case are NOT in a fair, open market but are the result of crony monopoly privileges. The wages are not competitive but are imposed on taxpayers by corrupt politicians.
Screw all state and federal employees, they are all rude , stupid and useless. They couldn't answer a question correctly if it meant their lives. Exceptions are police and fire .
The OP is true for the most part. I've worked as a contractor at all levels of government, and I've run across a few committed hard workers who would be employable in the real economy, but I could literally count them on my hands. I don't share the OP's exceptions for public safety; there are some bad apples in there as well.
o what your saying is if you want a decent wage and benefits....join a union
No, not if your employer can't afford to pay you.
(LFC). Half the problem is socialists don't know they're socialists. At least most Democrats know they're socialists.
>"Limited government" aka limited socialism
>Centrally planned "Constitutional Republics"
>Political opinions enforced under the color of "law"
Mises and Hayek were minarchists, not AnCaps. Minarchists, like Ron Paul, are hardly socialists.
Ron Paul a minarchist? Source for that?
You've got to be kidding. This is obvious, but the great Walter Block, an AnCap, discusses it here:
Then Ron Paul told AnCap Tom Woods this: "I haven’t accepted the idea that tomorrow we can scratch it and have no government."
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via Pro-Life Libertarians |
(Proud to be American). Donald Trump says this proposal of his would provide a huge boost to America's middle class. Do you like the idea?
Trump is economically illiterate; not only is this counterproductive and divisive, but even if you stole all the assets of the richest Americans, you would get only a 1-year bump in the deficit--guess who they come after next?
(Ron Paul). Nothing annoys the central bankers as much as Americans getting concerned about the the Federal Reserve. Annoy the Fed: Scrutinize them!
The Fed Deplores Scrutiny
It is great to see the great awakening! Rise up country men and women to the sham we have been led into without our knowledge. We have been lied to and been enslaved by this corporation since before our birth. Rise up against your enslavement. Become reborn as real Americans, and not a corporate entity. Do what is right and just.
Knock off the corporate-bashing bullshit. The issue is not their form but the fact they have a government-sanctioned monopoly over money and/or are unaccountable for their actions.
The Fed is okay. We just need better Banking Regulations like bringing back Glass-Steagell.
You economically-illiterate fascist (parroting the clueless rhetoric of left-populist political whores like Cherokee Lizzie). You know zero about the history of banking; Glass-Steagall has never been the Holy Grail of banking. The bank failures had more to deal with dysfunctional policies involving restrictions on reserves and/or unit banking policies; in contrast, Canadian banks have been far more resilient because they didn't have American policies. Also, none of the failures during the 2008 tsunami had to do with any purported blurring of the lines between commercial and investment banking.
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Courtesy of the original artist via LFC |
Tina Turner (with Ike), "Proud Mary". An indisputable pop standard, the duo's only Top 10 hit on the Hot 100. We'll next look at her stellar solo career...