
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Miscellany: 8/05/15

Quote of the Day
For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and big words Bother me.
Winnie the Pooh

Nice Sarcasm on Planned Parenthood

EmailGate and Hillary Clinton's Criminal Violation of Clearance Policies

Jon Stewart's Legacy

Facebook Corner

Not sure what he is today. Was he playing the game he needed to in order to survive as a business man? Has he simply realized that his positions were flawed in the past and he has begun to correct himself? Who knows.
However, he comments about a selection of illegal immigrants who come to the USA from south of our border is accurate. As a law enforcement officer with 32 years of experience near our Southern border, I can tell you that Mexican criminals fall into two main categories; sex offenders and alcohol violations (DUI the largest). Finally, he addresses issues that need to be addressed and does it without apology and it forces everyone else to do the same. Good for him.
No, first of all, the "illegal" immigration is due to perverse restrictions on our traditional "open immigration" policy until the labor unions, zenophobes, and bigots pressed for unreasonable restrictions starting about a century ago in the WWI era. Before that we had sprinted to pass Great Britain as the world's greatest economy, in large part to unrestricted immigration. Of course, there have always been morally corrupt jerks (look up the Know Nothing Party, the KKK, and other repulsive groups that wanted to target race and ethnicities, Catholics, etc.) Scagegoating immigrants because the left-lascists created unsustainable entitlements is absurd.

We've made it nearly impossible for workers to get temporary visas, we have a dysfunctional War on Drugs that exacerbates exactly the problems you spoke about. The anti-immigrant retards want to address the symptoms vs. the disease of a government war on drugs that provide the profit motive for these drug lords. (I myself think anyone taking recreational drugs is a moron, and I've never touched the stuff myself--but it's like the retards forgot this whole prohibition kerfuffle. )

The bottom line is that Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump is a self-serving demagogue whose whole act is to channel being the biggest asshole in middle school. He doesn't have any political principle beyond his ego. He is channeling the immigrant derangement syndrome rhetoric to lure gullible minions into foolishly voting for him. If anything thinks the American people are going to let a self-serving billionaire buy the Presidency, they're delusional.

(FEE). Ted Cruz's mischaracterization of Lochner anticipates more profound errors.
This talk of "Its a minimum wage case", "No its not a minimum wage case" is irrelevant. Ok it was a minimum wage case. The 14th amendment does not incorporate such "substantive " rights. Those are rights that we as libertarians support strongly but the question here is the constitutional framework in which those rights are to be enforced. The tenth amendment leaves that to states to decide within their own sovereign sphere not from DC. So I support the abolishing of any economic restrictions and all for a purely laissez faire economy Im not for it happening by judges from the top.

The Tom Woods podcast is a good discussion with Dr Gutzman and also the book he recommends by the late constitutional scholar Raoul Berger, Government by Judiciary, which is a rigorous argument that the 14th amendment was not directed towards these substantive freedoms beyond the narrow right to vote and other freedoms for freed blacks nor was it meant to incorporate against the states all of the Bill of Rights.
I'm not buying it. The whole purpose of the ninth amendment was to reinforce the primacy of individual rights. The New York law limiting hours a baker could work was NOT a minimum wage case--it was an arbitrary cap on income, a blatantly anti-competitive, corrupt law, a tyrannical majoritarian abuse of power. A person's right to contract is fundamental including also the right to work at any agreed price, including minimum wages. The fact of the matter is that Clause 1 argues that no state can deprive a citizen of life, liberty or property without due process. Either that is meaningless or it's not. If your idea is any law passed by the state is by definition due process, you're arguing there are no fundamental individual rights. The Lochner court correctly interpreted that the baker law did not fall within relevant police powers underlying the Tenth Amendment. This was a law imposing unequal enforcement of the right to contract that served the interests, not of the people but of corrupt cronies.

PS I particularly resent your saying " I support the abolishing of any economic restrictions and all for a purely laissez faire economy Im not for it happening by judges from the top." Let's be clear: before the corrupt legislature, bakers had the right to work any number of hours they chose. This liberty preexisted the political whores declaring war on productive bakers. The liberty to contract is not a state-conferred right. What SCOTUS did was restore the bakers' right to contract.

(FEE). Trump appeals to the same rotten vices as totalitarians throughout history did.
 If you compare policy for policy between Rand Paul and Donald Trump, they are very close to the same on most issues. Rand Paul even championed "the most aggressive immigration policy ever proposed in Congress." I don't get all the Trump bashing, especially the accusations of being an authoritarian.
No, the American people won't let one of the most delusional, egotistical, unprincipled right-fascists, Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump, buy the Presidency. This guy is beyond a self-serving demagogue using immigration derangement syndrome right-wing populist rhetoric to lure equally idiotic minions into giving away their vote.This son of a bitch is actually trying to prepare the way for his friend left-fascist Hillary Clinton's landslide victory. He's poisoning the well, right-wingers; he has no public administrative experience, and he engages in national suicidal bluster talk of trade war and telling companies how they should operate--that's out-and-out fascism.

Let me address some of the retards in this thread. the left-fascist who says " libertarians (of the Koch type)" "fear" Trump. First, you little turd, the Kochs are trying to shrink the government and hence the corruption in the entanglement of corrupt businesses or unions and political whores. You will find other libertarians, like myself, don't "fear" Trump--we loathe Trump. Do you think what I wrote above is "fearful" of the idiot? Classical liberals (not to confused with today's authoritarian left) were in existence more than a century before the Koch brothers. I've never gotten a penny from them, but I'm not going to demonize them like retarded left-fascists because they're very good capitalists. But they fight our joint battle against the parasitic dysfunctional State.

As to the female troll who seems to think it's a virtue that Donald "Know Nothing" Trump "can't be bought"--lady, the real issue is he has bought your gullible ass and other minions with incompetent rants.
(A separate comment)
A second point back to the OP, because he had the audacity to say that Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump and Rand Paul are the same on policy. BULLSHIT! Now as a libertarian, I support open immigration with some safeguard for public health and safety: his advocacy of a national ID card is a clear violation of pro-liberty principles, his lip service to the fence-building boondoggle is a violation of fiscal conservatism, wanting to change to Constitution to take away birthright citizenship is a betrayal of Constitutional principle. But Paul goes out of his way to reject negative talk about immigrants, talks about a need for a path to citizenship. I think he's trying to stake out a middle-of-the-road position, which I disagree with from a principled libertarian standpoint, mostly to appease the immigrant derangement syndrome right-populists/fascists. Trump is the one taking to irrational fear-mongering by talking about criminal immigrants. No, I would vote for Rand, but I'll never vote for the fascist Trump.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Kenny Rogers (with Dolly Parton), "Islands of the Stream". Kenny's second/last #1 on the Hot 100. Another BeeGees-penned pop music gem.