Knowledge is power.
Thomas Hobbes
Image of the Day
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Via National Review |
The Worst of Donald Trump
Follow-up Odds and Ends: LR's Post on Trump's Chances To Go Third Party
I had commented earlier about the editor's trying to argue that Trump could have been recruited to run for President on the Libertarian Party ticket; quite often in forums or Facebook threads, different threads diverge from the original thread. In this case, you had 3 or 4 people squabbling over liquidity, cash, money, etc.
Ha, ha... This kerfuffle is somewhat amusing. Listen, you guys, there's a difference between assets and liquidity. Liquidity refers to the readiness your asset can be bought or sold or converted to cash-like assets; for example, in the stock market, you can buy or sell a few hundred shares of a Fortune 100 company with little problem, but if you hold a large position in a thinly-traded OTC stock, it may take a period of time to unwind your position.
Trump Tower is an asset, but you can't use it to buy a loaf of bread at your local grocer. Money or liquidity is what you can use to transact. Trump Tower is worth only what prospective buyers can or will purchase with a form of liquid asset (cash or money)
I think the last commenter was being sarcastic or made a typo. If you're highly leveraged and say, you invested in a speculative security on margin, you are subject to a margin call, which must be covered with a liquid asset. Many types of loans, say in real estate, are callable loans. In order to assess Trump's assets, we would need to know more of the nature of his loans and the liquidity of his assets.
According to the WSJ, Donald Trump reported assets of $1.5-2.1B (but nearly 2 dozen over 50M properties) and between a quarter to a half billion in liabilities. Accordingly to Business Insider, his income is up to $388M/year. His own campaign hypes a net worth of $8.7-10B, although Forbes estimates at about $4B. Some of his properties (e.g., golf) are valued at nearly double industry heuristics. But given the nature, extent and diversification of his income and assets, Trump does not have a liquidity problem.
Facebook Corner
(IPI). In the 1980s, many government entities, including most Illinois school districts, began paying the employee’s pension share as an added employee benefit.
Still today, Chicago teachers only pay 2% of their salaries toward their pensions.
But now, the new CEO of CPS, Forrest Claypool, wants to end those pickups as part of a plan to address CPS’s $1-billion budget deficit.
Oh, I love the idea of the teacher unions striking over having to pay their half of retirement contributions. Do you want to guess how popular these parasites will be? HINT: How many voters have their employers also picking up their share of retirement? Cry me a river, union whores.But now, the new CEO of CPS, Forrest Claypool, wants to end those pickups as part of a plan to address CPS’s $1-billion budget deficit.
(Rand Paul 2016). We don’t need a bully, and we don’t need another President who thinks he is King." -Rand Paul
First, why is a Rand Paul fan page being spammed to death by mentally retarded Trump cultists? Second, why do these idiot trolls think that a fan page is the official Rand Paul pages?
Listen, you freaking Trumpist losers... I don't blame Trump for being an unqualified, unprincipled, intemperate, failed (4 bankruptcies) businessman who not only fails to understand the constitutional limits of the President, lacks any public sector experience, and living in a ludicrous black-and-white world where everyone is "stupid" but him. He doesn't have a shot of winning, and there is no legitimate conservative anywhere who will vote such a dangerous man into the Presidency. Every poll I've seen showing him lose to Clinton by 10 or more points.
(LFC). There are two views when it comes to how much a person should get paid.
The first says that you should get paid to the extent that you serve your fellow man. If you provide value to others, you get money; if you provide a very valuable service, you get lots of money; if you provide very little value, you get very little money.
The second says that you should receive money just as a function of being alive, unconnected to how much value you produce. It says that you can demand that people serve you (paying you) without serving them in return.
The first worldview encourages generosity and service to your fellow man. The second encourages selfishness, laziness, and greed; getting something for nothing.
That's why it's so strange to hear socialists talking about socialism (or a $15/hr minimum wage) as being pro-social.
Capitalism, the idea that you must serve others in order to get paid, is all about helping your fellow man. Socialism, the other worldview, is pure selfishness. And, at it's heart, that's all #Fightfor15 really is.
[Yesterday's first cartoon, a response to this thread, was spammed by "progressives"; I was in a pissed-off mood and be cautioned I do use colorful language in making a point.]
Only retards are so economically illiterate they don't understand wages are part of a market reflecting your productivity to a company. The minimum wage is a morally outrageous attack on lower-wage workers, you goddamn fascist assholes prohibiting the right of people to get work experience which is their first step in achieving one of the 98% of jobs not minimum wage. Drop the phony act you're helping people, you hypocritical bastards. It's as if you don't realize the minimum wage was implemented to throw low-wage blacks in the South out of work and out of competition with the rest of the job market.
(National Review). How can a former Democrat, once pro-choice, pro-amnesty liberal & supporter of single-payer health care, remain the godhead of the conservative base?
What the hell is wrong with all these Trump cultists spamming National Review and any other source which dares to publish articles critical of a failed political opportunist like Trump, who is petty and intemperate, not to mention unqualified and unprincipled? Trump is out for himself, PERIOD. This is politics, people. Trump at this time is the GOP fronrunner. Guess what, Trump retards: he's the natural target. The fact that he's a thin-skinned asshole who actually brought his feud with Rosie O'Donnell into the Presidential debate and his unforgiveable attacks on other people (I've actually got one of his latest mailing where he's trying to pin Arizona VA hospital issues on John McCain) make him unacceptable to most American voters. Every poll I've seen shows him losing to Hillary Clinton by 10 points or more, while others in the race actually are very competitive.
I'm getting seriously pissed off at the cultists. Fact of life, people: this son of a bitch will NEVER be elected President. If the GOP would even nominate him, the majority of Republicans will abandon the party. Now this piece shows that Trump is an even worse flip-flopper than Romney. He's a right-wing authoritarian populist--and if this idiot can't handle Rosie O'Donnell, how the hell is he going to deal with Putin and China? We could be talking WWIII, people! He's a very dangerous man...
Wow, Trump really has the GOP establishment running scared! If you want to know what would disgust WFB it is what has happeded to National Review. He would weep to see the journal of the conservative movement become the house organ of the RINO establishment.
What a retard--National Review is a conservative journal--only an idiot like the OP could call a conservative "RINO". I'm a libertarian-conservative--like the Old Right, Ron Paul, etc., and we're as conservative as it gets. We want very limited government (including a streamlined military and few entanglements abroad). All of us think Trump is not only thin-skinned, incompetent, unprincipled, a flip-flopper who makes Kerry look like an amateur--but he is freaking dangerous. He's not only an idiot and makes divisive, unsupported claims (e.g., the Mexican government is dumping prisoners at the border), but he thinks as President, he has the power to call up Ford Motor and dictate demands over their overseas operations, he'll start trade wars, etc. It's not just that this is Obama's assertion of executive powers on steroids; he's promising voters things he can't constitutionally deliver--this goes beyond hype and incompetence, not realizing the limits of the position.
Now as to the RNC being frightened of a possible Trump nomination--no doubt--for good reason. Trump is the only nominee who would lose to Clinton in a landslide (not a chance in hell he'll win)--but his name would lead thousands on the GOP slate to lose. You Trump cultists better get your shit together and snap out of it, because you'll be responsible for what happens to this country.
Political Humor
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall |
Kenny Rogers (with Ronnie Milsap), "Make No Mistake (She's Mine)"