
Monday, August 17, 2015

Miscellany: 8/17/15

Quote of the Day
Have more than thou showest, 
speak less than thou knowest.
William Shakespeare

Earlier One-Off Post: Has the Tea Party Lost Its Way and Relevance?

Image of the Day

Friedman on Reagan

Facebook Corner

(Reason). Politics is and always will be a crippled, lagging indicator of where the country is trending.
I think one of the things you have to deal with is resistance to change; there are also a lot of vested interests in a nearly $4T federal budget. One thing that I'm concerned with is a grossly unqualified, crony capitalist, flip-flopping, ill-tempered buffoon candidate who is promising an activist authoritarian President who will impose his will on domestic and foreign adversaries. Rand Paul can talk about new budgets and tax cuts, but he's going to lose the average joe to the loud-mouth celebrity jerk who others perceive as entertaining.

What is Rand's plan for the illegal immigrant issue? While I #standwithrand I'd rather hear his views than hear him trash other Republican candidates
For any lazyass commenter who can't spend 5 seconds on Google:

(IPI). The legalization of food cart street vending in Chicago could bring the city $8.5 million in local sales tax revenue and 6,400 new jobs.
Our Managing Editor, Hilary Gowins Yelvington, joined Mike Stephen on WGN Radio to discuss.
can you say salmonella.
You anti-competitive fear-mongerers are self-serving morally corrupt bastards. Food carts and trucks' food safety ratings are generally as good or better than brick and mortars. The operators of carts and trucks know that serving unsafe food is not good for business.

(Reason). Donald J. Trump's nativist stance is hitting a nerve, but it's not connected to electoral or economic reality.
We have a federal government over $100T in debt and unfunded liabilities. We've had suboptimal growth tor 15 years. Yet this incompetent, unqualified, inexperienced right-fascist , ill-tempered demagogue is picking a signature issue that draws on the ugly tradition of Know Nothings, the KKK, the xenophobes, bigots and corrupt unions. The economic analyses on immigration show a strong link of economic growth with immigration. The potential Asshole-in-Chief, who has already run four of his own companies into the ground, is willing to bankrupt the US in the lose-lose pursuit of deportation.

(Cato Institute). "Donald Trump’s newly released position paper on immigration is the precise mix of fantasy and ignorance that one has come to expect from the recently self-described Republican."
I am not a Trump supporter, but aren't we talking, not about anti immigration, but anti illegal immigration? I don't know anyone personally who is against legal immigration.
Knock it off. The right to migrate is a natural right. We have a problem because our restrictionist immigration policy over the past century has created the problem. The unions, xenophobes and bigots have made corrupt bargains with political whores who dishonor our open immigration heritage.

(Rand Paul 2016). Not even Donald Trump has the money to pay for this.
Donald "Four Bankuptcies" Trump shows how he would fail at public policy just like he ran businesses four times into the ground. The reason we have 11M unauthorized aliens IS BECAUSE WE HAVE A LUDICROUS RESTRICTIVE IMMIGRATION POLICY that denies most people legal entry into the country. It's the corrupt unions who have denied this. As Griswold has pointed out, around 1950, we were arresting 1M/year. The Congress passed the Braceros program and arrests went down 95%. It was the corrupt unions that forced JFK/LBJ to end the Braceros program.

The fact that this incompetent asshole has no problem spending money he doesn't have that only addresses the sympoms than the disease of bad policy doesn't surprise me. He is trying to buy the votes of the morally repulsive anti-immigrants with taxpayer money.

(Rand Paul 2016). This plan would introduce more government bureaucracy and a larger police state.
Donald Trump is not satisfied with running 4 of his own companies into bankruptcies; he now wants to drive the US, already in bad shape through 8 years of Obama, also into bankruptcy. What we need is restoration of traditional open immigration policies and a stop of these xenophobic attacks on people trying to work around corrupt anti-immigrant policies. Stop demonizing hard-working people who contribute to our economy!!! Fix the laws; no money for expanding the State empire.
One of the legitimate functions of the government is to protect its citizens from force from abroad, thus using government to secure the border and deport illegal criminals is reasonable. 

Being a staunch libertarian myself I agree with milton friedman who says you cannot have a welfare state and open borders at the same time. I would prefer neither, but if trump can secure the border once and for all is a good thing. Don't be such libertarian purists; this is a step in the right direction and progress. 

Rand is still my vote regardless.
You are not a libertarian, asshole. (It pisses me off when people distort what Friedman said.) Milton Friedman explicitly said that he's for "illegal Mexican aliens" so long as they remain illegal; he also said that unauthorized aliens were good for the economy. He certainly would NOT be supporting a corrupt immigration policy that denies temporary work visas--an anti-competitive measure that corrupt unions push through their proxies.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Kenny Rogers (with Wynonna Judd), "Mary, Did You Know?" I don't usually include Christmas songs in artist countdowns, but these are modern Christmas classics, not just another cover.