The man who looks for easy work always goes to bed tired.
Jewish saying
Tweet of the Day
"You cannot have a welfare state and open borders." You can't say you believe in freedom and authoritarian Big Government at the borders.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2015
The Second Court of Appeals rightly ruled against NSA's fishing license to collect data on Americans without warrant.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 8, 2015
Image of the DayReal Power to People in the Developing World
Facebook Corner
(Independent Institute). "The current U.S. policies of jailing and deporting illegals not only fails to address the underlying problem, but makes the situation worse."
It's amazing how much people love authoritarian government when it comes to restricting one's natural right to migrate, even though restrictive immigration policies are associated with lower economic growth.
(Reason). If people are only free to say things that are unobjectionable to anyone, then they are not free to speak.
No. The litmus test of free expression is in the marketplace of ideas, not whether aggressive people can attack or intimidate others via verbal abuse in the name of freedom. I retain the liberty not to associate with dysfunctional behavior.
( One common argument against opening up immigration in the U.S. is that it undermines our national sovereignty. Here's why that isn't the case:
You cannot have a welfare state and open borders. You only get to pick one...
Nonsense. Even Milton Friedman supported illegal immigration, by which he meant they weren't eligible for welfare benefits. But more importantly, you can't say you believe in both freedom and authoritarian Big Government at the borders.
(Libertarian Catholic). See above image.
I see the ... [politically correct ] troll [dismissive of traditional marriage] is trying to impress himself. Yes, marriage has evolved, but it's NOT a LEGAL construct, but a SOCIAL construct which has some cultural nuances but has remarkable independent parallels. Marriage provides a cultural context for procreation and social stability--none of which applied to the tiny GLTB population which cannot reproduce by nature and is notoriously promiscuous
(IPI). How do we save Chicagoans from massive tax hikes and the reality of the city's looming pension debt? Pass a bankruptcy law, and give taxpayers a chance.
Well, not if we're talking a corrupt managed bankruptcy like Obama gave the auto unions, where bondholders got ripped off at the expense of the corrupt unionists contrary to the rule of law. What is grossly unfair is the deferral of pension expenses to current and future taxpayers, just as the biggest generation of Americans, the Baby Boomers, are transitioning into retirement. The private sector started transitioning to defined contribution plans decades ago, knowing this very fact. Sooner or later, there will be a train wreck, and bankrupting the taxpayer is not an option.
The legislature is at fault and this "crisis" was coming more than 50 YEARSRome AGO when I started teaching. They fiddled while Rome burned and now it is a huge problem because they underfunded. Teachers paid every cent they owed and should not be penalized for the actions of politicians! My husband worked for 44 years to have a liveable amount in retirement and it looks like that may not happen, thanks to idiot politicians! Thanks a lot!
True, but the politicians made promises nobody outside of government believed they could keep. The Baby Boomer generation is the largest in history, and the birth rate has been declining for decades--this Ponzi scheme has met its day of reckoning; and companies have been transitioning to defined contribution systems for decades. Nobody is talking about cutting off people near or at retirement age or who are drawing modest pensions, but everybody is going to have to make sacrifices. Some high-income pensioners are going to have to take a healthy cut, younger workers will need to transition to a defined contribution system. It's one thing when a government's retirement expense was 8% of the budget, but we are seeing that percentage quadruple while in some places, e.g., the number of retired cops already outnumber the number of active cops; this is just not sustainable,
Yes Pathetic Koch Bros And Bruce Rauner Illinois Policy We Raise Taxes on the Rich and hike the Illinois Income Tax a Couple of Points Just Like The Democratic State of Minnesota did And now their Booming with Jobs and a Big Surplus Not your Pathetic Republican Cut your Taxes on the Rich and Destroy our Job Market and the Lives of the Working Class Like you Republicans Always Do
Pathetic parasite who thinks stealing from other people is okay so long as your own corrupt legislators outnumber theirs
(IPI). The Chicago Teachers Union said it’s "insulting" to ask Chicago teachers to contribute their own money toward their retirements. Our Director of Pension Reform, Ben VanMetre, disagrees.
He joined Fox Chicago News to discuss CTU’s complaint over ending the practice of teacher-pension pickups.
What's insulting is having these crony unionists freeloading off the taxpayers for their personal retirement expenses. I've been paying into social security since I was a 16-year-old college freshman working minimum wage to pay my own way through college. I've also contributed to 401K/403B accounts through my career without a single penny vested in employer matches. Teachers have virtually guaranteed jobs for life, regardless of objective performance in the classroom, with abysmal graduation rates and mediocre achievement test results; I would be embarrassed to be a teacher demanding taxpayer bailouts of corrupt Democrat promises in exchange for political support.
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Scott Stantis via IPI |
Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall |
Olivia Newton-John, "Magic"