
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Miscellany: 10/09/12

Quote of the Day
What you can do, 
or dream you can do,
begin it; 
boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Johann von Goethe

Obama's Latest Misleading Ad

You might think that the last thing the Obama campaign would want to do is remind voters of the President's universally panned performance (which even the late-show comedians are ridiculing). But Democrats, other than possibly JFK, usually question supply-side economics and mix it with their toxic brew of class warfare politics. The intent is to question Romney's overall numbers and seemingly conflicted goals. The intent is to suggest that a small number of rich people are trying to shift their tax burden to the middle class.

In the ad liberal journalist Andrea Mitchell is quoting a study critical of  Romney's plan in a "fact check"; she  has objected to being used by the Obama campaign, but AIM points out a study co-author is a former Obama  Administration employee, which Mitchell, who argues the offshoot of liberal think tanks is non-partisan,  failed to acknowledge.

How arrogant is it for a man whom is literally responsible for doubling the national debt in less than one term and whose own budgets have been rejected in bipartisan votes to be questioning Romney's numbers? There are criticisms to be made of both campaigns on honest numbers: both sides at minimum suggest the government entitlements of politically powerful senior citizens won't be touched for current beneficiaries and for future ones for up to a decade or more. With over $40T in unfunded liabilities, where is the preventive fiscal policy? Isn't it beyond hypocrisy that the same (Democratic) party that pays lip service to preventive policies on healthcare rejects them on fiscal matters? The Republicans are just being a little more honest over long-overdue reforms--not enough, but the first step in solving a problem is acknowledging it and the Dems are in a state of denial.

I do think Romney is boxing himself in--at some point he needs to address the real math problem: there aren't enough rich people to pay off political promises. Everybody, including seniors and the middle class, is going to have to sacrifice. I think a VAT (consumption tax) is inevitable, a lot of tax breaks need to be terminated, and federal programs will need to tighten eligibility, involve more cost-sharing, and cap transfers. Romney needs to avoid having a GHW Bush moment on "no new taxes" for the middle class. Sooner or later, interest rates are going to spike and could, in and of themselves, add a half trillion or more to the annual deficits: this alone dwarfs any Romney numbers problem.

Part of the problem? Mitchell's husband, Alan Greenspan,whom as Fed chief helped exacerbate massive asset bubbles  .

This "Seat-of-the-Pants" Obama Foreign Policy

This blog has already called for the termination of Hillary Clinton over the handling of Benghazi consulate attack; even the mainstream (i.e., liberal) Washington Post suggests that it will cloud her legacy. I also share the opinions of others calling for UN ambassador Susan Rice's dismissal.

I criticized  the Romney campaign's PR debacle on late 9/11. But the Obama  Administration's abysmal performance is what's relevant and was, at best,  recklessly amateurish. Clinton is particularly obnoxious; why does a defensive Secretary of State feel the need to comment on a provocative film: is she out for Roger Ebert's job? Exceedingly unwise judgment: the real problem was host country security and trouble making clerics. not to mention setting a bad precedent giving priceless publicity to trouble making film producers. Obama's version of diplomacy seems to be bringing pandering and perpetual campaigning to an international level.

Confusing street protests with coordinated military attacks on diplomatic territory? Utter incompetence. Why the failure to acknowledge security concerns raised by the late ambassador? Unforgivable.

This administration is taking credit for winding down missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, but in fact it was Bush's schedule to leave Iraq--and Obama was actually trying to extend withdrawal and failed. Obama has run up more casualties in Afghanistan than Bush did in 2 terms. No attacks on American soil. Sheer luck after the diaper bomber failed over Detroit and the botched car bomb near Times Square, and have we forgotten the fact that the Ft. Hood massacre happened on Obama's watch?

And yet this President is milking the UBL killing for all it's worth, but what does the military itself think of its Commander in Chief? According to the Military Times:
Poll results indicate that about 66 percent of those surveyed support Romney, compared with about 26 percent who say they will vote to re-elect President Obama. The 3,100 respondents — roughly two-thirds active-duty and one-third reserve component members — are about 80 percent white and 91 percent male. Forty percent are in paygrades E-5 through E-8, while more than 35 percent are in paygrades O-3 through O-5.

Political Humor

Democrats are accusing Mitt Romney of cheating during the debate. I don't know who he cheated off of, but I think we can rule out President Obama. - Jay Leno

[When Chicago teachers gave the President a grade of 47, Romney said "I knew it."] 

Unemployment is 7.8 percent, the lowest it’s been since Obama took office. The Obama campaign said they can't wait to take these statistics and not use them in the next debate. - Jay Leno

[Martha Stewart explains you prepare BLS statistics with a grain of salt, blend apples and oranges, then half-bake and sugar-coat them.]  

Joe Biden is taking no chances for his upcoming vice-presidential debate with Paul Ryan. He's taking six days off to prepare. Six days off from what?- David Letterman

[And then like Obama, on the seventh day he'll rest,] 

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

Alan Parsons Project, "Time"