
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Miscellany: 10/06/12

Quote of the Day
Our life is frittered away by details...Simplify, simplify.
Henry David Thoreau

Gross Souvenirs

People collect all sorts of things, conventionally stamp, coins, etc.; for example, my mom has collected spoons from foreign areas visited (including Dad's two assignments in  Europe).

 But this emerging Detroit sex scandal has topped Monica Lewinsky's keeping the infamous stained blue dress. According to Fox 2 News Headlines
I had a lot of questions for the lieutenant, so we sat down Friday. Here are her own words:
"Did you allegedly sleep with him or did sleep with him?" I asked Patterson.
"I slept with Ralph," she answered.
"How do we know?" I questioned.
"October 14, 2009, yeah, I kept that condom," she said.
"For what reason?" I asked.
"So he, you know, wouldn't think that I'm just a stalker and I'm just a lying (expletive), like, oh no, I don't think so," she responded.
"Ralph Godbee was assistant chief, traded sex for promotions, yes or no?" I asked.
"Yes. I was the commanding officer of Sex Crimes and after we became involved, he moved me to his staff and I worked right alongside with him in his office," she said.
Where were all these people (Clinton, Godbee, etc.) during ubiquitous, politically correct sexual harassment classes and/or nepotism policies? I still remember my first job in Houston; the branch manager fired the office receptionist after she married one of my fellow programmer/analysts; one of the others, a single woman (I'll call her 'Jane'), had mentioned annually going to the Nutcracker Suite as a girl; I found out there was an upcoming local performance and asked her out (she turned me down and actually tried to make it a group event); I wasn't that attracted to her (she wasn't pretty and  was a bit of a mess, a coffee addict: she serviced a key account at Exxon and she was so addicted to coffee she would literally shake under stress without her cup of joe). Anyway, my manager called me in one day to say he knew I was trying to date Jane. and if we became a couple, he would have no choice but to fire one of us, and I knew he wouldn't risk his key Exxon account.

 For the record, I've never had a single date with a  current or former colleague, student, or client, never mind an affair. I did feel a single tenured UWM   faculty member had unwanted  interest in me which creeped me out--one day she called me--not the department to retrieve something she left at the office and bring it to her condo.  (There were other things--I remember I needed to set up some account interactively, and she offered to help me set it up; it turned out  the application required my date of birth, and she made some comment of my being a young pup.) I had zero interest in her, and she knew it. She was an ideological feminist/progressive  (probably one of those 77-centers, as I call them--they believe more in the vast male conspiracy than in the law of supply and demand). She returned from a weekend in South America with an adopted baby girl. as usual, she grew to despise me in time. She had a female PhD student whom was doing a study involving the use of microcomputers; I objected to its use in the context of a  broader characterization of end user computing and suggested as a compromise the term 'microcomputer-based EUC'; she refused demanding all due consideration of her pseudo authority befitting a dissertation chair and the time-honored criterion "because I said so". (For context, I started out my IT career working for an end user support team, and we did not have access to PC's.)

Most Americans still don't understand the significance of the Lewinsky scandal. It wasn't about the sex; if Clinton had frequented a brothel, he would never have been impeached. (It may have affected his political support.) These women (including Jones)  were employees serving under him. Even the voluntary nature is not the only factor: say, getting special attention or favors (say, a high paying job offer in NYC) not based strictly on job performance.

I have  to admit Godbee isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer: sexual harassment policy violation with the head of SVU? Does he watch prime time TV?

Guest Editorial: CATO Institute,
"U.S. Economic Freedom Ranking Tumbles Again"
Thumbs UP (Editorial, Not Ranking)

There are multiple international  liberty indexes; I have often used the one maintained by the Heritage Foundation. Obama's economic fascist (government-dominated) policies and horrible Supreme Court decisions starting with the morally unconscionable Carolene Products, Kelo, and ObamaCare decisions and Obama' s sellout of the US Constitution with his crony union subversion in the auto bankruptcies (not to  mention his bragging about protectionist tire tariffs). Let me say as an investor a company's base country's economic liberty is a consideration.

Guest Editorial: CATO Institute,
 "A Cybersecurity Power Grab?"
Thumbs UP 

The Obama Administration's end run around Congress to centralize control is sheer madness; I see this as a slippery scope issue. Companies have a vested interest to safeguard their infrastructure. The very idea that a government bureaucracy can respond quicker to dynamic challenges in real time is a departure from reality. As to Obama's ongoing disregard for the Constitutional balance of powers...

Political Humor

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

Alan Parsons Project, "I Wouldn't Want to be like You"