
Friday, September 28, 2012

Miscellany: 9/28/12

Quote of the Day
The most important thing I have learned over the years is 
the difference between taking one's work seriously 
and taking one's self seriously.
The first is imperative, and the second disastrous.
Margaret Fontey

TCS Quote of the Week
"At the end of the day, politicians represent their constituencies but they have this broader and higher mandate of representing the entire country. If the economy of the country goes south, it is not helpful to the country at large. And every politician wants jobs to be created in their constituencies; they want the economy to pick up; and they want growth to accelerate rather than decelerate. I think they need to see the global side of things effecting them … we are all linked in this.”-  Christine Lagarde, IMF
If there was a single moment where the GOP started to lose me it was when one of my legislative heroes Tom Coburn R-OK) sought to divert nearly half a billion in Alaskan bridge earmark boondoggles to fund the rebuild of part of I-10 destroyed by Katrina. Political Senate collusion killed the Coburn amendment 82-15 after a memorable outburst by the late Alaska senior senator Ted Stevens:
"I will put the Senate on notice -- and I don't kid people -- if the Senate decides to discriminate against our state and take money only from our state, I will resign from this body," Mr. Stevens vowed. 
No doubt the bipartisan consensus was there but for the grace of God...If they started with taking away Alaska's earmarks, whose state may be next? Maybe even that of freshman senator Barack Obama? Accountants and judges have codes of conduct when it comes to exercising on any vested interest  If and when spending is necessary it should be based on intrinsic reasons not political rank or tenure. A congressman should only vote for spending knowing his grandkids may end up paying the bills out of their hard-earned money.

Obama Vote Buying: Obama Phones, Obama Money
He Just called to Say He Loves You
And Remember to Vote 
Or Romney Will Cut You Off

Games Congress Plays

Taxpayers for Common Sense details ways Congress makes it difficult to stop abusive spending, whether it's an inability to fully audit the Pentagon, stalling tactics like endless studies, denying funds or authority to close a money-losing, not requested  or redundant items, office, military facility, train routes, post offices, self-imposed restrictions  rules on spending bill adjustments, or procrastinating action on major bills to force less constrained up-or-down stop-gap continuing resolutions. I would like to see Romney address relevant reforms.

Political Humor

This totally explains  DNC Chair  Debbie Wasserman Scultz (D-FL):
High Spin Cycle
Courtesy Forbes,
 24 Stunningly Dumb Warning Labels
Paul Ryan now says that President Obama's foreign policy has "blown up in his face" and it's time to go back to the Republican foreign policy. Well, let's see, Obama kept Guantanamo Bay open, the troops are still overseas, and the Middle East hates us. Isn't that the Republican foreign policy? - Jay Leno

[ Yesl Obama should extend his apology tour to 2008 voters..] 

A new survey shows how much time we waste every day. For example, we waste seven minutes in line waiting for coffee, 28 minutes getting through airport security, and four years waiting for President Obama to do something about the economy.- Jay Leno

[And nearly a dozen years for Uncle Sam to pay his bills.]

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

ZZ Top, "I Thank You"