
Monday, September 24, 2012

Miscellany :09/24/12

Quote of the Day  
If I were given the opportunity to present 
a gift to the next generation, 
it would be the ability for each individual 
to learn to laugh at himself.
Charles Schulz

Terminate Hillary Clinton NOW
Amateurish Foreign Policy Has a Price

 Yes, I'm well aware that change begins at the top, and the real solution is to fire the hopelessly incompetent Obama, but job #1 for Clinton is/was ensuring safety of American diplomats.  Stevens' diary detailed  security concerns; either she knew those concerns or she didn't. Obviously if she knew,the question is: what did she do about it? MORE specifically why was Bush's preventive  policy reversed:
There were major uprisings across the world celebrating al Qaeda’s triumphs 11 years ago on Sept. 11. During the George W. Bush administration, U.S. overseas installations were put on high alert and diplomats were instructed to be extra cautious around Sept. 11. The Obama administration, which downplays the Islamic threat, neglected to undertake these precautions this year with dire consequences.
According to CNN, Ambassador Stevens wrote in his private journal that he was nervous about the decaying state of security in Benghazi. Yet his government took no measures to protect him, and staff evacuated during this month’s attack without knowing if he - the principal U.S. official in country - was safe or even where he was.
 Is Michelle Obama a Competent Mother?
The Predictable Response of Kids to
"Food with Good Taste vs. Food That Tastes Good"

No, I'm not taking a cheap shot at Ms. Obama, but even a never-married bachelor or armchair free-market economist could predict responses of picky eating kids being force fed  unfamiliar unappealing foods or prohibitions of preferred snacks in vending machines. I can still recall mom making occasional sandwiches for lunch I loathed while  in middle school--I particularly disliked a certain  sliced sausage Dad must have liked--and my stubborn mother knew my reaction. I would rather go hungry than eat it--i routinely pitched the sandwich in the trash; I also remember dating this woman who shared a dislike of bean sprouts which came with dinner at a restaurant we liked--we made a game of diverting the other's attention to offload our sprouts on the other's plate. So when Olson writes  about kids taking a pass on hummus and black bean salad (gross!)  and being hungry late in the day because they don't like the higher-costing approved lunches and discard the 'healthy for you foods". Never mind not enough calories for student athletes. I can easily see a black market in Twinkies and Snicker bars. My ritual on exam days at UH was large Hershey's with Almonds bars.  So hearing there's a black market of squeezes of  chocolate syrup in New Bedford (where my retired Uncle Roger lives)  doesn't surprise me.

Familiar readers may know where I'm going with this. one of my baseball stories was a lesson playing first base at the end of my last year of youth baseball (like most left-handers I mostly played the outfield).  My teammates were throwing wildly to first base,and the crowd was booing me. I adjusted how played first-base, playing first base like the outfield--I knew I couldn't improve my teammates' errant throws but I could change how I played first base. Similarly, you have to know kids eating lunch at school, not unlike a writer needs to know his audience.  For example some parents can fold vegetables into juices, omelettes, meat loaf, soups, pasta, pizza. etc., but it's more important to ensure kids are getting enough calories for their activity level in an appealing presentation

Political Humor

Mitt Romney's campaign released his 2011 tax return. Democrats still want him to release all his tax returns for the last 10 years. Romney says he can't do it, and he's got a good excuse. He says his dog ate them and then Obama ate the dog. - Jay Leno

[Obama will soon join the 47% on an incomr tax-free diet.]

In an interview with Univision, President Obama said if there's one thing he's learned, it's that you can't change Washington from within. So what is he saying — that if we want real change, we should throw him out?- Jay Leno

[Yes... Who knew the change we were looking for was Food Stamp Nation,  the federal government losing taxpayer money in car companies, the lowest labor participation rate in decades,lower household net worth or income or we're still losing men in Afghanistan 4 years later?]

Who Is John Galt?

Musical Interlude, My Favorite Groups

ZZ Top, "Francine"