
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Post #4834 M: On the Pence/Harris Debate

 Quote of the Day

A musician must make music, 
an artist must paint, 
a poet must write, 
if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. 
What a man can be, he must be.
Abraham Maslow

Note to Readers

I am about two-thirds of the painful process of listening to the VP debate. A couple of these videos were released a day or two after Tuesday's debate, but I  didn't want to be unduly influenced before writing my review, which will probably be released tomorrow (Columbus Day).

Woods on Pence/Harris

I disagree with some of the points here, but I'm not going to go in depth, but here's an example: the point that Sen. Harris said she wouldn't take a vaccine on the word of Trump. Now she should have elaborated on that, but there has been some discussion that I've read that safety protocols may be compromised for politically motivated objectives of getting a vaccine out ASAP, an October surprise for next month's Presidential election. So Sullivan's point, arguing Harris is being inconsistent, assumes that FDA approval would be consistent with past approvals.

McClanahan on Pence/Harris

Political Humor

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Tom Stiglich via Townhall

Choose Life

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 1966

Lightnin' Strikes/Lou Christie