
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Post #4762 Social Media Digest



 Some miscellaneous Facebook comments:

  • [Both Dem and GOP POTUS votes are equally bad.] Well, the issue has more to do with one-party government. The Dems have been hinting for a long time they want to do away with the filibuster if and when they regain control of the Congress. Personally I've been Never Trump since he announced for office. But be clear: a Biden presidency would be catastrophic.
  • Jo would not intervene in a voluntary transaction between pizza maker and customer, even in adding something as disgusting as pineapple.
  • Which socialism are you referring to: Biden's classic version or Trump's national version? Jo is the only true capitalist candidate.
  • [This may have been an anti-vaxxer thread.] You don't have a right to impose your disease onto me. It's a violation of the non-aggression principle
  • Any reasonably informed libertarian is aware of this Reason interview in 1975 with Reagan. He considered himself as a minarchist, not an AnCap. You can argue that practically he did not live up to his ideals, but he faced a Dem House all 8 years.
  • Spoken like a goddamn moron who doesn't know some 97% of jobs pay over the minimum wage without government mandates, that a large plurality of minimum wage workers are entry-level workers with no dependents. Real wages grew in the Gilded Era without government mandates, and Ford raised wages and benefit without a parasitic union.
  •  I'm skeptical of training. What I agree with is accountability. We need to end corrupt police union protections and qualified immunity.
  • Nope. The correct libertarian position is that the police should be privatized.
  • Nope. Reagan did control the Senate his first 6 years, but the Dems controlled the House 1955-1994.
  • I've repeatedly tweeted and posted support for Jorgensen. Not getting much, if any, response, e.g., engagements on Twitter. She's not polling above, say, 2% nationally, she doesn't have high name recognition. A few relatives, mostly nephews, privately say they lean libertarian; unfortunately, most people want their votes to count towards the winner. For me, it's a matter of principle.
  • [What would JJ do without a Congressional majority?]  No, executive orders certainly can undo past unconstitutional executive orders. In part, Jorgensen can probably build coalitions depending on the context, e.g., urban communities and progressives on criminal justice reform, conservatives on spending reforms, etc. She also has veto authority and only needs to sustain with a third-plus in one chamber of Congress. Basically, though, she wants to persuade and would use the bully pulpit.
  • [Penalize large families for being a taxpayer burden?] I'm the oldest of 7, and every sibling has been a blessing. Five of us hold college degrees, 3 with advanced degrees. Six of us have been taxpayers. I've been a professor and IT consultant; my siblings include an RN, chemical engineer, a teacher/librarian, Air Force veteran, and a CPA. The proposal is insane. I'm the only one who is childless; the children are our future.
  • Economic sanctions are an act of war. Screw the unprincipled bastards who support this. I believe in an open door to Hong Kong refugees, but screw those supporting a protectionist POTUS!
  • [An internal libertarian meme/joke. I'm a minarchist.] I think the guy with the shovel is an AnCap.
  • Twitter

    Well, it looks as though I'm in Twitter Mommy's jail again for the fourth time in 6  weeks, with impressions/views down to less than a dozen or so per tweet. Either they're manipulating stats or they are isolating my tweets by being viewed by almost all Twitter users, maybe not for my 7 or so followers. . Now not every tweet I write has wide readership and I can't prove what the audience should have been, but to give one simple telling statistic: for the past month I divided my total tweets into total impressions: 235.4 impressions/tweet. Granted, that's skewed by things like my 8.5K impression tweet on an insensitive Robert Trump funeral trend. Several tweets like ones where I attach media or posts usually don't pick up a lot of impressions. But usually I'll pick up a few dozen impressions or more on most tweets. So when you see a span of several hours a string of consecutive tweets with less than a dozen impressions, it's highly improbable to be explained by my having an unusual dry spell. Now under the old account, they would lock me out of my account and force me to delete an offending tweet before starting a suspension. I've been careful against giving them an excuse over use of language, etc.

    My tweet stats overall have been down, except a nominal increase in followers and mentions. The latter are unusual in the sense I only see a fraction of purported replies. I'm not sure; it could be a number of trolls block me after flaming me. Maybe a quarter of my top 20 tweets by impressions don't reach my informal 1K benchmark. Maybe 3 or 4 hit that mark over the past week. A number will roll off over the coming week. I'll sometimes look at my reply tweets stats. Usually you won't get many, especially if the trend is over. I did notice, though, a recent union-critical tweet pulled in over 700 impressions and an unusual count of engagements.