
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Post #4563 M: The 1619 Project, Capitalism and Slavery; Ron Paul on the Backlash Against the COVID-19 Alarmist Politicos

Quote of the Day

I do not know which makes a man more conservative—
to know nothing but the present, 
or nothing but the past.
John Maynard Keynes  

My Greatest Hits: April 2020

Some modest improvements in readership, especially based on domestic readership and some modest promotion of specialty format posts on Twitter (I don't really promote my social media digest or journal formats there). My publication rate is at a record clip, in part due to more free time during the COVID-19 crisis.

The 1619 Project, Capitalism and Slavery

Ron Paul on the Backlash Against the COVID-19 Alarmist Politicos

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Peter Gabriel, "Steam"