
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Post #4555 Social Media Digest


Ronald A Guillemette
No, you don't have the "right" to impose your disease onto me. That's a clear violation of the non-aggression principle. If you want to associate with others, there is a mutual obligation. Otherwise, a clear violation of the non-aggression principle.

Marcus McKibben
Ronald A Guillemette, aggression requires intent, so your comment is incorrect. If you work somewhere with 200 employees, and you come down with the flu, are you about to say all of the employees there should be tested to see who has the flu, and then they be punished for possibly passing it onto you? See how ludicrous that is?

Ronald A Guillemette
Marcus McKibben you are dead wrong. Walter Block responds to your point of mens rea in the context of Typhoid Mary. Now there are some people who are sensitive to vaccination, where vaccination is itself harmful; that would be a possible exception.

Marcus McKibben
Ronald A Guillemette, oh yes, because one person has a different opinion I must be wrong about what aggression means. Sorry, opinion doesn’t change definition. Every definition of aggression shows intent. If there is no intern to harm, then one is not breaking the NAP, period. Doesn’t matter what your opinion on it is, definitions matter. So good luck with your opinions, I’ll stick to facts and realizing I don’t have a right to forcefully inject people with chemicals against their will. If you’re so afraid, then don’t go out in public. It’s always hilarious to see that those who propose tyrannical ideas are ones who are afraid.

Ronald A Guillemette

I stand by my position. You are fucking Typhoid Mary, and we have the right to self-defense against you. By the way, Walter Block is probably the dean of living libertarians; educate yourself. I'm done; future comments will be deleted.

Ede Vasseur

Ronald is a statist, he believes in forced vaccination. If hes willing to use force then he himself is guilty of violating the nap. Whatelse should government force is to do you commie?

Ronald A Guillemette

Ede Vasseur you're not a libertarian; you believe in exposing your disease to me and that's aggression. Whereas your right to accept the price of not protecting yourself is your "choice", the problem is your inaction puts other people at risk. We have the right to quarantine your ass or engage in coercion to protect ourselves.

[A progressive niece posted a Bernie Sanders tweet/statement, arguing that State healthcare is the international norm and effective.]

Nationalized heath care is an abomination. The free market is ALWAYS better

Ronald A Guillemette this pandemic is proving how ludicrous it is to tie health insurance to employment. Our broken system is an abomination.

The healthcare system is broken because of the government. Blame the asshole FDR for tying insurance to employment; this was in part due to a workaround to his economically illiterate wage-price controls. And, by the way, Comrade Bernie is not discussing "insurance"; car insurance doesn't cover things like gas and oil changes; he's describing bundled health services.

Ronald A Guillemette that’s because penicillin was invented. Prior to the 1930s, most people didn’t trust medicine so health insurance wasn’t a big deal. Offering health insurance with employment was an incentive to attract and keep workers during the hiring ramp-up after the depression. FDR may have supported these policies, but I believe it was because he was aware of the need for social safety nets. He also introduced what became Medicare, even though it wasn’t passed until Johnson.

You just restated what I said about health insurance being a workaround to wage-price controls. No, Medicare and Medicaid were bad, unsustainable public policies. Older people were basically provided discounts or donated care under the old system.

[her husband]. In the U.S. we pay 2x per capita and are ranked 27th in healthcare outcomes.

Oh my God, do you really want to bring up "apples and oranges" international statistics? I could cite dozens of invalid comparisons. The fact is almost all innovative pharmaceuticals and medicine originate in the US and the rest of the world freeloads at marginal costs. A lot of the costs, like deferred treatment, aren't included. Government itself imposes a lot of those costs. To a certain extent, we also have a price/quality tradeoff, so you're comparing shitty healthcare overseas with much longer wait times against world-class quality and delivery. It would be even better if government wasn't in the way.

[niece posted another citation of international statistics and basically dared me to prove her wrong]

educate yourself. I'm done on this thread.
