Facebook (the unpublished post)
[OP] (paraphrased). Libertarians often refer to themselves by a number of differing terms, e.g., agorists, objectivists, minarchists, ancaps (anarcho-capitalist), left-libertarian (commonly-held property), right-libertarian, classical liberal, etc. How do you members of this group classify yourselves?[I did not go through all responses, but looked to the first few dozens or so and saw a clear plurality of minarchists.]
[In reality, my post would have been pithy. I'm taking the liberty of expanding on my intended comment.]
I'm a minarchist who has alternatively called himself a classical liberal, firmly in the property-rights dominant right-libertarian movement. The term "classical liberal" is distinct from progressive or social liberalism, where the authority of limited government as guarantor of negative rights (protection from infringements of fundamental rights of life, liberty, and property from government and others) is extended to embrace some form of government-guaranteed socioeconomic egalitarianism. This schism had its origins in the nineteenth century. We classical liberals particularly focuses on economic liberty; one example was the infamous Lochner decision, where NY has implemented a cap on baker hours. (To be honest, SCOTUS decisions were nuanced on economic liberty; for instance, it had earlier upheld restrictions on mining hours.)
Minarchists generally believe in some variation of the night-watchman state, whereby the moral authority of the state/government is its defense of natural rights, e.g., with common defense/police and a court system. A classical liberal approach has a somewhat expanded view of public institutions and goods (e.g., infrastructure), with more efficient mechanism for dealing with negative externalities, etc.(cf e.g., Epstein).
Still, I draw the line by those who would include Hamilton and Lincoln were classic liberals or even that Trump is a libertarian President. All 3 of those have implemented or argued for protectionist policies, often at the expense of lower-income workers.
I gather you are suggesting they can't see the forest for the trees.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
This is disingenuous, irrational wishful thinking. Mueller and members of the investigation could easily refute any material finding. Mueller can still be called to testify before Congress.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
Let's see. Trump imposes economic sanctions on Russia: I gather you see this as a slap on the wrist. Russia claims to have developed supersonic missiles which the US can't defend again. Russia and the US have clashed on Syria. Putin is not having his way with Trump— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
I bet you failed reading comprehension as a kid. Your obstruction of the Mueller investigation is a matter of public record. Mueller specifically said his report did not exonerate you. You've been a corrupt bastard, soiling the Office of the Presidency. VETO TRUMP 2020!— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
No, Trump was not "exonerated". The fact that Trump did everything but fire Mueller (probably because Congress warned him), repeatedly attacking him, shows Mueller acting more professional and Presidential than the thin-skinned bastard. #NoCollusion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
One of the most preposterous things I've heard from Trump is his pointing to Alexander Hamilton and Lincoln to justify his economically illiterate policies, including protectionism. To be sure, Hamilton and Lincoln were protectionist and wrong on trade, but their policies failed.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
I'm impressed that Mueller ran a tight ship and maintained his professionalism despite Trump's relentless attacks on the "witch hunt". I suspect that the Russian conspiracy leftists will be disappointed, as well as the Trumpkins looking for an exoneration.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
I totally believe Comey's contention that Trump wanted a loyalty oath and wanted him to end an investigation of the Trump campaign. Trump is responsible for his own decisions. If Trump thought Comey's termination would end the investigation, he badly miscalculated.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
As leftists continue to implausibly hope that Mueller has vindicated their attempts to explain away Clinton's upset loss to Trump as "Russian intervention", Trumpkins also seem to be in a state of denial over Trump's missteps, including multiple bad hires.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
Just a reminder that environmentalist Obama took off golfing during the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spillage incident and, unlike Trump, didn't own any golf courses.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
First of all, the US has hypocritically intervened in the internal affairs of other nations, never mind tried to influence. Second, Russia did not elect Trump President; the American people did in a change election year. You Democrats nominated a candidate with high unfavorables.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
I don't see a picture of the Presidency; what I see is a photo of an unaccomplished Empty Suit who doubled the national debt and whose meddling in the economy resulted in the slowest economic recovery in American history.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
It's amusing that the first grown-up tweet of Trump's Presidency is met by obsequious tributes by his gullible minions and similarly predictable outrage of Trump Derangement Syndrome leftists. "Good Morning Mr. President"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
I'm still wondering about alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election. Knowing that Clinton had high negatives as a candidate and wanting to support Trump, did the KGB leak debate moderator questions in advance to the Clinton camp?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
Quote of the Day: Tom Woods' response to the economic-illiterate Green New Deal: "If you like your cow, you can keep her." (i..e., cow farts are thought to exacerbate global warming)— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
I'm utterly shocked that the House Speaker would cling to a totally baseless attack on alleged Russian duplicity in the 2016 election. The reason Trump got elected is because the Dems nominated Clinton, and her support was primarily Left Coast and mid-Atlantic through New England— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 24, 2019
London's mayor says the next POTUS can't be Donald Trump. I want to see the Dems running for President argue against British attempts to influence our elections. We fought early wars against British meddling.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 23, 2019
Trump's attack on GM for closing an Ohio plant is a transparent, manipulative ploy trying to appeal for Ohio's blue collar vote next year. What does Six-Bankruptcy Trump know or care about business models that don't work? This populist bullshit only fools his minions.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 23, 2019
What I don't get is how Trumpkins are so gullible and manipulated by a crude, self-centered plutocrat. Trump associates are facing prison time, he demands loyalty oaths, he pays off porn mistresses, he attacks dead Senators, and yet they stand by him.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 23, 2019
Trump is keeping his promise To Make American Deficits Bigger Again, with February making for the biggest monthly deficit ever. https://t.co/hKc0ob8WJZ— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 23, 2019
Everyone has that crazy old uncle that embarrasses them, but nobody ever elected that crazy old uncle. Until Trump was elected President. Only he uses bad behavior to rally support from his minions. (We libertarians love that megalomaniac Donnie is soiling the Oval Office.)— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 22, 2019
Just a reminder: FDR admired Mussolini. The Republicans never ran on pro-Russian policies. FDR was a soft fascist who implemented several fascist and socialist policies, and that's far worse. https://t.co/uW48G1BgQv— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 22, 2019
As a former professor, I am repulsed by progressive academia's hypocritical, morally corrupt failure to protect the free marketplace of ideas.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 22, 2019
However, federal intervention from political whores, including Trump and his executive order, is unnecessary and counterproductive.
As a NeverTrumper, I hate to admit it, but Trump seems likely to win reelection (without my vote). If you study RCP polls, most of his prospective challengers have, at best, a single-digit lead, and his strongest challenger, Biden, is loathed by the activist left wing.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 22, 2019
When the Left constantly frames its opponents as "racists", I noticed during March Madness coverage today at least 3 of 4 CBS panel commentators were men of color. What's remarkable is no one even notices this type of thing anymore.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 22, 2019
A Reason editor argued against George Conway's assessment of Trump as mentally ill, arguing it excuses Trump's bad behavior. But really, what sane person discusses the size of his manhood in a Presidential debate or feuds with a dead Senator?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 21, 2019
Cherokee Lizzie's illogical attack on the globally successful crown jewels of our Internet economy is even more economically illiterate than Trump. The real answer to big business is increased competition, and Warren's regulatory regime is Big Business' biggest weapon.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 21, 2019
@crissles— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 21, 2019
If Joe Biden picked an incompetent like Stacey Abrams as VP, it would contradict his experience argument, similar to how McCain did with his selection of Palin, who unlike Abrams actually was elected governor
This is Soft Rock America. Trump would like Brazil in NATO, don't know much about geography. https://t.co/qIhbfckp0a— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 21, 2019
This is Soft Rock America. When Dido heard that Trump wanted thanks for approving John McCain's funeral, she sent out this message: https://t.co/R8LttsPvSl— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 21, 2019
This is Soft Rock America. ZZ Top also wants to thank Trump for approving McCain's funeral: https://t.co/kIC1qdH4EW— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 21, 2019
This is Soft Rock America. Trump feels that he's not been properly thanked for having approved political enemy John McCain's state funeral. With the spirit of John McCain, we send out these thanks: https://t.co/kB6SsPdzaq— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 21, 2019
Trump still thinks McCain's funeral was all about Trump. This sort of narcissism is a cry for professional help. Let's be clear: a future Democratic President will not approve a state funeral for Trump. I would rent the world's smallest violin.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 21, 2019
No. What is an anachronism in the Constitution is the USPS. The concept of the tyranny of the majority is not an anachronism; the Founders fought for independence over a much lighter tax burden than you progressives/fascists have imposed already WITH the electoral college.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 19, 2019
POTUS should represent ALL of the US, not simply the corrupt interests of heavily populated states and cities. This country was founded on individual rights, not mob rights to violate the property/other rights of the minority. "Electoral College"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 19, 2019
Nope. What the electoral college does is ensure, e.g., that California vote surpluses do not make competitive votes in smaller states irrelevant.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 19, 2019
This country was founded on individual, not collective "rights". You are attempting to rationalize tyranny of the majority and exacerbating factionalism and corrupt special interest coalitions. The founders discussed popular election of the President and rejected it, rightly so.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 19, 2019
Cherokee Lizzie has picked a ludicrous strawman and has demonstrated that she lacks the judgment to be in elective office. White supremacists are on the fringe and irrelevant; progressives would create them to rationalize trite charges of "racism" to their ideological opponents.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) March 19, 2019
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