
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Post #4032 M: DEAD WRONG: Peak Commodities

Quote of the Day

We know what a person thinks 
not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions.
Isaac Bashevis Singer  

DEAD WRONG: Peak Commodities

Trump's Executive Order to Protect Freedom of Speech on Campus

It would seem that a libertarian would embrace Trump's order: who can be against free speech on campus? First, I think it's largely unnecessary. Government-sponsored universities are already compelled to support the Bill of Rights. Second, universities typically pay at least lip service to the concept of academic freedom. They have an implicit incentive to distance themselves from egregious incidents like the recent physical assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus (note that the alleged aggressor has been arrested and charged with a felony).

I simply don't like the notion of politicians from the left or right, including Trump, tying political strings to federal dollars

Georgia State vs First Amendment

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Kelly Clarkson, "Mr Know It All"