
Friday, March 8, 2019

Post #4014: Social Media Digest Edition: 3/8/19

This is the first new format I'm introducing this year, which includes original content from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other places. In addition, I may include guest content clipped from other (attributed) social media/other sources, including videos, images, memes, and cartoons which haven't been included in my daily miscellany posts. Generally speaking, they will be politically related in nature, although I reserve the right to present other content. You can also expect some other new formats to be introduced in the weeks ahead as I hinted in my recent milestone post, over and beyond my occasional one-off essays and recent journal and rant formats.

Among other things, I'm toying with ideas for:

  • an "Ask RAG" question-answer format
  • Around the World Quick Takes
  • "Liberty Talking Points"
  • "RAG Replies" to various topical kerfuffles, debates
  • "RAG Review" books, posts, videos
  • "RAG Commentary"
  • "Politics 2020"
I'm not going to commit to a certain schedule; it reflects my interests, the nature of current events, and my time constraints.


The first item is really based on a Facebook Being Libertarian meme post which is a fairly tired talking point where some libertarians (like Don Boudreaux) go out of their way to distance themselves from criticisms.  Hayek himself famously wrote an essay on why he isn't a conservative.

Because of PC issues, I didn't clip my exact response, but here's a paraphrase of my response:

  • In American conservatism, we honor the classical liberal foundation of free markets, American roots and its limited government ideal.
  • The traditions we focus on, including organized religion, family and other institutions, are based in the private economy, not the public economy and fundamentally based on liberty principles like voluntary association.
  • Conservative principles like fiscal conservatism support similar approaches to limit taxes, spending and government authority. 



Please note (beyond their selection) these images are the creative output and appear courtesy of the original artists. I clipped them from other sources like Facebook, Ron Paul's blog or other sources.