
Friday, February 22, 2019

Post #3998 M: Countdown 2 to 4000: Benefits of Charter Schools; the Counterproductive War on Drugs

Quote of the Day

20% of what you do accounts for 80% of the value.
Vilfredo Pareto  

Charter Schools: Cheaper But Better Outcomes

Legalization Has Had More Effect on Foreign Drug Supplies Than Federal Prohibition

A usual disclaimer that personally I have never transacted in nor encouraged the use of recreational drugs, the domestic sex trade or other failed public policy prohibition targets. I simply believe it's bad public policy; domestic interventions ironically drive up prices and profits for operators in black markets. High profits don't necessarily deter black market transaction; they may exacerbate other crime problems. I remember when I lived in Milwaukee thieves had bashed in my car windows to steal my factory stereo system (which quite frankly sucked); I can't imagine they got much of anything in selling used poor quality car stereos. Paul Krugman would no doubt see my car broken window as boosting the local economy. (This is in part a libertarian joke, making reference to the broken window fallacy; humorists shouldn't have to explain their jokes.)

Ron Paul On Individual Rights vs. Collectivist Demands

Choose Life

Welcome to the world, sweetheart!

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Paul Simon, "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover". His only solo #1.