There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man.
The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.
Hindu proverb
Stossel and Students Weigh In on Price Gouging
Peterson On Zuckerberg and Private Sector Censorship
Peterson is fairly spot on here. Yeah, deplatforming Alex Jones was a bad idea--it just feeds the conspiracy theorists.Revisiting the Crusades
Choose Life: Big Brother Protection
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall |
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists
Madonna, "Oh, Father". This is one of her more obscure hits (and maybe only Madonna could have hit the Top 20 with it). There are a few biographical certainties: references to her Franco-American mother who died of breast cancer young (at 30, when Madonna was 5), a hard-headed, stern, autocratic father, and maybe a blurring a line between her father and the Church, where one's parish priest is usually addressed as "Father". (I was reminded about this at Uncle Roger's funeral as Mom and Uncle's closest cousin still refers to him as "Father Roger".) (My own nickname at work is "Dr. Ron".) I know that my own maternal grandfather ran a very authoritarian home, e.g., there was no talking in the house during national newscasts. Most notoriously, my folks got married on a holiday because it was one of the few days that his grocery store was closed, and he might not go to his only daughter's wedding otherwise; he wasn't about to close his store on a Saturday, one of his busiest days. There are some suggestions that film star/once-husband Sean Penn, who reminded her of her father, is also symbolically represented. I gather from her mother's lips sewn shut that she had put up with her authoritarian husband's behavior, but Madonna won't put up with it in her own life.
I gather from the video young Madonna got caught by her father playing with her late mother's jewelry, and he did not respond well to how she was trying to cope with her grief. It's difficult for me to put myself in that place (I've never had a daughter), but I was my young nieces' favorite relative and couldn't bear to hear them cry. I'm fairly sure I would have handled things differently; I'm not standing in judgment of her Dad, but Madonna has her own memories, and I'm sorry that she experienced that as a heartbroken young girl.