
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Post #3774 M: Economically Illiterate Ocasio-Cortez; Friedman On the Politics of Envy

Quote of the Day

Say not, when I have leisure I will study; 
you may not have leisure.
The Mishnah 

Spoof on the Socialist Retard Ocasio-Cortez

I have not listened to the whole Cuomo interview, but Ocasio-Cortez' rubbish is too idiotic to be taken seriously. Take the ObamaCare penalty; I know about the penalty because I had to pay it at one time during the recession/weak Obama recovery. Of course, any revenue the government takes is a tax. Here's the point: it was cheaper for me to pay a tax/penalty than pay for government-approved healthcare. The goddamn Obama regime did not spend a single penny for my healthcare, including when I went to private clinics and paid out of my savings for my own expenses. I didn't get a deduction from the money Obama stole from my wallet at gunpoint. That money that Obama and his fellow Democrat parasites stole from me went to pay the health expenses of those bribed by the Democrats who wanted free stuff at my expense. All I want is "real" insurance which protects me from catastrophic expenses, like cancer, not regular expenses like annual checkups, etc.

But more to the point, Ocasio-Cortez is trying to cite (and doing a bad job of it) of explaining Roberts' disingenuous deciding vote in upholding ObamaCare which basically tries to mandate healthier risk younger people to pay above-cost premiums to subsidize below-cost premiums for older/sicker people.  Government is not picking up the costs of forcing insurers to carry premiums regulated below-cost; the only way for businesses to do this is for corrupt government to cut a deal with insurers to guarantee enough profitable policyholders to offset their below-cost customers.

On Conscription: A Government Variation of Slavery

Friedman On the Politics of Envy

Choose Marriage and Family

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Madonna, "Live To Tell". The first of 3 #1's in 1986.