
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Post #3760 M: The Economic Lunacy of the War on Straws; Ron Paul on 'Free' Healthcare

Quote of the Day

Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives. 
John Adams  

FEECast: The War on Straws

I don't know if it was just a coincidence but last weekend driving home from a funeral in another state, I bought an overpriced soda from a fast food chain, only to find no straws at the soda machine. It basically made the cup lid functionally useless and more difficult to sip while driving.

Choose Life: Fathers, Brothers and Little Girls

Ron Paul On the Illusion of 'Free' Healthcare

Social Media Digest

[in response to a libertarian FB post banning sale or use (smuggle in from another state) Irish-exported Kerrygold butter in Wisconsin:}

I keep several 1-lb Kerrygold tubs purchased from Sam's Club in my refrigerator. I hadn't thought of putting it in my coffee-great idea. I was once a professor in Wisconsin and am well-aware of Big Dairy cronyism in the state. I remember when Tombstone Pizza was sold, the Big Cheese protectionists fought it tooth and nail, arguing Kraft would abandon Wisconsin cheese toppings. All anti-consumer laws/restrictions are anathema and morally corrupt

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Steve Breen via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Elton John (featuring LeAnn Rimes), "Written In the Stars". I love this duet, which is my favorite of Elton's hit duets.