Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives.
John Adams
FEECast: The War on Straws
I don't know if it was just a coincidence but last weekend driving home from a funeral in another state, I bought an overpriced soda from a fast food chain, only to find no straws at the soda machine. It basically made the cup lid functionally useless and more difficult to sip while driving.Choose Life: Fathers, Brothers and Little Girls
Ron Paul On the Illusion of 'Free' Healthcare
Social Media Digest
[in response to a libertarian FB post banning sale or use (smuggle in from another state) Irish-exported Kerrygold butter in Wisconsin:}I keep several 1-lb Kerrygold tubs purchased from Sam's Club in my refrigerator. I hadn't thought of putting it in my coffee-great idea. I was once a professor in Wisconsin and am well-aware of Big Dairy cronyism in the state. I remember when Tombstone Pizza was sold, the Big Cheese protectionists fought it tooth and nail, arguing Kraft would abandon Wisconsin cheese toppings. All anti-consumer laws/restrictions are anathema and morally corrupt
That voting Democrat was good for America. #DumbThingsIBelieved— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 5, 2018
That Trump would be the "master of the deal" in bipartisan consensus after the election, having been a registered Democrat 10 years ago #DumbThingsIBelieved— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 5, 2018
That Republicans would be more faithful than the Democrats in passing long-overdue fiscal and entitlement reform; they won't even stand up to corrupt Trump on immigration and trade. #DumbThingsIBelieved— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 5, 2018
The fact that over 50% of voters didn't vote for the corrupt left-fascist Clinton means nothing to you is telling. Nearly all of Clinton's surplus came out of California. The idea that California is "more equal" that other states is abominable.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 5, 2018
Trump, in his business-as-usual economic illiteracy, attacks the Koch brothers as "globalists", which seem to be any critic of his corrupt economic nationalism. In reality, American liberty includes trade with others, within or across borders, without government approval.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 5, 2018
In my fridgeI have multiple 1-lb. tubs of Irish-sourced Kerrygold butter (healthier made from grass-fed cows. But you cannot buy it in Wisconsin, where anti-consumer corrupt Big Dairy crony capitalists block its sale. https://t.co/CwIYcRAkOO— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 5, 2018
One can only hope this is a harbinger of hope in the long-awaited liberation of Venezuela from the fraudulent, corrupt Venezuela socialist dictatorship. "President Nicolas Maduro"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 5, 2018
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Steve Breen via Townhall |