
Monday, August 27, 2018

Post #3784 M: Project Jumpstart; Nowrasteh On the Truth About Immigration

Quote of the Day

People are more easily led than driven.
David Harold Fink  

Project Jumpstart

Nowrasteh On the Truth About Immigration

Social Media Digest

[from a libertarian coolish response to McCain's passing]

This is rubbish. Woods is particularly disgusting in his disingenuous hostility to anyone who ran against St. Ron Paul for President (I personally slapped back at him when he took an unnecessary shot at Romney on St. Ron's birthday). In fact, McCain had opposed Reagan's involvement in Lebanon and opposed Clinton's interventions in Somalia, Haiti, and Yugoslavia. He opposed Bush's "stay the course" policy in Iraq (2004). It is true that he was not laissez-faire in foreign policy, but clearly his views were more nuanced than most people assume. Not to mention he clearly opposed the use of torture and was more moderate on economic sanctions, a leading cause of war.

Why has McCain become the media and Dem's favorite Republican, which seemed impossible 10 years ago when Dems were comparing him to Hitler? The fact that the despised Trump has personally attacked him, belittling him for allowing himself to be captured during the Vietnam War, is one reason. He was part of the bipartisan Gang of 14. He had reached across the aisle with Feingold, Lieberman, Kerry, Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and others. He personally rebuked supporters during the 2008 campaign for dishonorable attacks on Obama at rallies. He was a prominent advocate for immigration reform. He cast a number of unpopular votes, including one on ObamaCare repeal.

This is not to say I've agreed very much with his politics over the past decade. I much prefer Jeff Flake, his retiring colleague. But I don't regret voting for him as President and 2 years ago as an Arizona resident (no longer a nominal registered Republican since I left the Democrats as a young professor). I have little doubt that unlike Obama, who won the Nobel Peace prize before radically expanding undeclared drone wars and approving kill lists, McCain understood the hell of war better than Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, and Trump.

The Mother-Child Reunion

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Robert Ariail via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Madonna, "Cherish"